Wednesday, 30 November 2016

Bear - Initial Fruit Sketches


The first character are in a group because that's how blueberries come in a pack, always together and it was inspired by the Pokemon called 'Exeggcute'. It has a protective layer because blueberries reduces damage from over sun exposure.

The second character (middle) is very small, just like a real blueberry and its very smart because blueberries improves brain function which is essential for intelligence. It can also reduce muscle damage.

The last character (right) is smart as well, just like the second character but the difference is that this character's brain can be seen.


The first character is young because eating 2/3 kiwis in a day can give you a youthful look. It has poo next to him and he's wearing a diaper because kiwis prevent constipation.

The second character (middle) is in the shape of a bird because it's supposed to be the kiwi bird, where the name came from and its wearing a chain which can make you go to sleep because eating 2/3 kiwis in a day can send you into a deep sleep.

The last character (right) has a protective layer because kiwi protects your skin from degeneration and he's young for the same reason as the first character. He's quick and has abundant energy because, again, eating 2/3 kiwis in a day gives you abundant energy.

Tuesday, 29 November 2016

Pros and Cons of using technology for social skills

My whole idea was to look at the effects technology has on the social skills of a young viewer, but the question is, in a good or bad way?

I have found several links that I have looked at that talks about the effects it has, to make it fair, I have looked at both sides of it so that I could come to a conclusion later on and compare the answers.

The link I have looked at is the Huffington Post which talks about the negative of using devices but also talks a little about the positives. It talks about how using technology devices a lot, kids would find it hard when it comes to long pauses or eye contact when interacting in person because they are not used to it and wouldn't know what to do next. When you are interacting in person, that is different to how you are interacting behind a screen because in person, you have to think on your feet and reply quickly, with a screen, you can take your time and think about what you will say. There are some positives though, for example, how it can help people with Autism become more social and it encourages them to develop a 'virtual empathy'.

The other links below talks about this app that teaches kids about social skills. You start off by creating a character which represents you and from there, there are different stages where the kids are taught to handle different situations where they could encounter in real life. Th other great thing is it lets kids ask any questions they have regarding social issues which they will get an answer for.

There are different apps available like 'You Can Learn' which teaches kids how to handle real life situations but also, other apps like Skype, which allows you to interact with a person, face to face, behind a screen, the beauty of it you get to see their facial expressions which you have to respond to. It may not be as effective as interacting in person but it is a good way to learn the social cues.

Bouncy The People Trainer's You Can Learn App Directions from Ripple Effects on Vimeo.

There are some negatives that comes with using technology, for example, the link below that I have looked at states that using technology devices for a long time affects the brain nerve that is used for learning so, it affects the child's ability to read and understand certain situations that could happen to them in real life. It also states that if a person relies on technology for communicating with other people, it weakens their people skills and there's a chance that people could become detached from other people's feelings, from the lack of interaction and personal touch you get from interacting in person where you get to see their facial expressions and body language.

The link below looks at different ways how using technology affects a child. They did a study where kids who had no access to technology for couple of days were better at understanding emotions and non verbal cues of faces more than the kids who used devices during that time.

It states that more than a third of children under the age of two use mobile media, if you think about the amount of time spent on it, long use of technology devices by children could lead to distraction and decreased memory, if you think about learning, that could be a problem because their brain won’t be able to remember what they have learned as effectively, not being able to remember as effectively could lead to forgetting it or not being able to use what they have learned to their advantage.

Monday, 28 November 2016

Bear - Initial Vegetable Sketches

I have sketched some vegetable characters based on what I have learned from my vegetable research. Each character has certain superpowers or abilities that they have based on their vegetable benefits.


The first carrot character above is called 'Karotin' which is Greek fro carrot. He has lazer eyes because carrots improves your vision, he also has a toothbrush as a weapon because carrots maintain healthy gums and teeth.

The second character (middle) also has a toothbrush as a weapon but the difference is, this character has a shield which protects the skin.

The last character (right) has water jets coming out that shoots water because carrots contain 88% water, it was inspired by the Pokemon called 'Blastoise'.

Sweet Corn

The first character has a sun face because sweet corn grows under the sun and it has a tail like a fire extinguisher because it prevents inflammation.

The second character (middle) has a sun tail, same reason as the first character and he's smart because sweet corn has high levels of vitamin B1 which is essential nutrient required for brain. He's also strong because sweet corn improves bone strength.

The last character (right) is smart, for the same reason as the second character and it can make itself stronger, again, same reason as the second character.


The first character is big and strong because spinach makes you strong, it was inspired by 'Popeye'. It has a protective layer because spinach is resistance against infections.

The second character (middle) is small and thin because spinach controls weight and plays a role in the healing role in aging. It has a heart because it controls the heart rate and it has a red blood cell as its weapon because spinach contains iron, which produces red blood cells and since it has iron, his feet are iron and flies around with an iron board.

The last character (right) has a bone as a weapon because spinach increases the strength of your bone mass. It flies around with a red blood cell because of iron and the same reason that was given for the second character.

Sunday, 27 November 2016

Bear - Moodboard

After researching, I knew what to do next and my next step was to create different mood boards of various characters, some I feel that is suitable for my target audience and others that are well known like Pokemon and Monsters Inc so the young viewer would recognize the design. I have also created a mood board of different illustrated facial expressions because I want to make my character's face friendly and cool so I can use the facial mood board to help me.

I have done those mood boards to help me decide what kind of style I want to create and would be suitable for my young target audience.

Reference List....

The increase in technology devices usage

I'm researching why there is an increase in screen time, this is a follow up on the research on how much screen time kids have on average compared to back in the day.

I tried to research the different examples and reason so that I have a range of different examples to choose from.

I came across this website, and there's a small section of it on the website that I found useful, apparently 30% of children claim that their parent's technology device usage sets a bad example on them and 68% of parents use technology devices whilst with their kids. I think that could be one of the reasons why there is an increase in screen time by children, it could come from the parents, they set a bad example on their children because kids learn a lot from their parents and for them to see their parents spending a lot of time on devices, in their mind, they will think it is normal and follow the parents by using the technology devices themselves. I feel like that's a good example and one that I will use in my presentation.

The other website I came across was, , I like this one because there's a lot of information on it, It's spread out so I got a range of information that I could choose from. There's information about the percentage of people of different groups using different technology devices like cell phone and tablet.

What this shows is how the usage of technology devices has increased and how more kids are owning more devices like tablets and laptops. I feel like it has increased because kids are more exposed to technology devices and have more access to them, more so than back in the day when there was not as much technology devices around.

I decided to choose some useful stats from the website that most relates to my topic like the under 2 year old stat and the 8 to 12 year old stat because I am looking at that range of age group. I decided to illustrate it because I feel like people would take in the information more effectively if it is displayed in  a nice and clear visual way.

This is what I have designed in response to the information I have gathered from that website. I highlighted the percentage by making it bold because it's the key information and I illustrated the person and the phone together so the viewer would understand immediately that it involves phones.

Whilst I was researching on the amount of devices that are owned and used by teenagers and young children, I came across this webiste as well, , which I decided to replicate a graph that was used on this website which I feel emphasizes on how much devices young people use and have access to. I feel like this conveys the information more clearly. I think it shows why there is an increase in screen time.

Saturday, 26 November 2016

Bear - Fruit Research #4

Since I have researched about vegetables, it was time to research about fruit.


- Blueberries are high in antioxidants. helps neutralize some free radicals that cause damage to our DNA which helps protect against aging.

- Protects the cholesterol in the blood from being damaged and reduces the levels of oxidized LDL.

- Lowers blood pressure.

- Helps prevents heart attack.

- Helps improve brain function - accumulates in areas of the brain, essential for intelligence.

- Lowers blood sugar levels.

- Helps reduce muscle damage after exercise. 

- Contains about 85% water.

- Reduces damage from over sun exposure.

- Improves vision.


- Source of fiber - prevents constipation and other intestinal problems.

- Eating 2/3 kiwis a day can reduce potential of blood clotting.

- It's an alkaline fruit - rich supply of minerals to replace the excess of acidic foods produced by humans - benefits of it is youthful skin, deeper sleep and abundant physical energy.

- Protects skin from degeneration and it's a good source of Vitamin E.

Friday, 25 November 2016

Seminar #7 : Keywords and Literature

Seminar - 25/11/2016

The first part of the seminar was about keywords. Those keywords we have to include in our essay and we were given a strategy of how to develop and think of useful keywords like define my topic so I know clearly what my topic is about, from that, I would pick keywords so I would pull out words that indicate the main concept and also, think of alternative keywords. Finally, choose a database, I can find specific databases in the library.

The next part was about the literature review that will be included in the main body of the essay. Literature review is a critical presentation and discussion of the main sources of my topic. We were given a structure for the literature review as well. I need to outline my topic, give definitions and basic historical framework then present my main ideas, writings and practices, finally, present my research question so what I want to focus on and find out.

We then looked at what the literature review does. It shows my knowledge of the origins, definitions, vocabulary of the topic, it gives an understanding of the main ideas, writings and practices, it shows a variety of approaches and opinions and finally, it shows how my research question fits in.

To show my knowledge and understanding of my main ideas, I need to find the main works of it. I can achieve that by using the keywords to search on database i.e. Library, google scholar etc. I need to use any text, work or item that has an important effect on the development of the field and used in several other disciplines, fields or topics and I need to find any approach or methodology that others have replicated.

W were given some sources and help like to always makes sure we write notes as we read, it's a good way to clarify my thoughts. It's useful to keep copies of any useful material that we could or will use for my essay. We have to use different types of literature like books, websites and catalogues so that we have a range of different sources which is something I have to do if I want a higher grade and I need to use different categories of literature like primary literature which is the original insights, secondary literature which analyses the primary literature and tertiary literature which is dictionaries and encylopaedias.

Thursday, 24 November 2016

Bear - Vegetable Research #3

I am researching about vegetables to give me an idea of what the benefits of each vegetable is and how to use it to my advantage. I have pick out certain parts of the benefits which interests me and which I feel will help me.


- Low calories and negligible amount of fat and no cholesterol.

- Rich source of carotenes and Vitamin A - maintains good eye health and maintenance of growth and development.

- Good source of Vitamin C - helps to maintain healthy teeth and gums.Helps the human body to protect from diseases.

- They compose of healthy minerals like copper, calcium, potassium, manganese and phosphorus. Potassium is important in helping the body to control heart rate and blood pressure by countering effects of sodium.


- Good amount of  soluble dietary fiber - recommended for weight reduction and cholesterol control.

- Contains a lot of iron. Iron is important and required by the human body for red blood cell production.

- Rich source of Vitamin A and C - Help protect against oxygen-derived free radicals and reactive oxygen species that play a role in aging.

- Vitamin A is required to maintain a healthy mucus membrane and skin, it's also essential for normal eyesight. 

- Contains Vitamin K - Plays a vital role in strengthening bone mass and limit neuronal damage in the brain.

- Vitamin C helps the body develop resistance against infections and viruses.

- Contains potassium which controls the heart rate and blood rate. It also contains copper which is required in production of red blood cells and zinc which regulates growth and development and helps with digestion.

Sweet Corn

- Grows under the sun.

- High in calories, compared to other vegetables.

- One of the finest sources of dietary fibers - helps regulate in gradual increase in blood sugar levels.

- Good source of phenolic flavonoid antioxidant - plays a vital role in preventing aging and inflammation in humans.

- Contain compound that are vital in maintaining healthy mucusa, skin and vision.

 - Contains zinc, copper, iron and magnesium. 

Wednesday, 23 November 2016

Bear - Research #2

I am continuing my research by looking at how other resources like kid shows have advertised healthy eating and how they tried to get kids to eat healthier. I have looked at Charlie and Lola especially this episode about vegetables because it relates to what I am doing and trying to do. I decided to study Charlie and Lola because I remember watching them as a kid and really enjoyed watching it so I am looking at how they capture the child's attention.

I am specifically looking at how they convey the message of eating healthy and I have noticed they do it through storytelling, e.g. when Charlie is trying to get Lola to eat carrots by saying stuff like those are not carrots, they are orange twiglets from space. They also created friendly characters to go with the story.

What I learned is that storytelling is a good way to get kids to eat their vegetables and by making up little stories, it makes them use their imagination and get them to forget what they are eating.

Tuesday, 22 November 2016

Bear - Research #1

I feel like to start my research, I need to know how to get kids to eat their fruit and vegetables to get an understanding of the type of design I'm going to do, it will be like when parents manipulate their kids into eating their food, I need to find a technique that works for me. There's no point designing something that won't catch the young viewer's attention and keep them interested.

I cam across this website that had more than 10 examples of how to get kids to eat their vegetables and I have picked out some that I found useful and something I feel like I can work with....

Make food fun - Kids love to play make believe and to play games. Making healthy food fun and making up games and stories will get the child's attention and get them to eat their food, e.g. Making a story about dinosaurs to get the child to eat their broccoli.

Get them involved - Children are more connected with a meal of they are part of the preparation. It makes them more enthusiastic and cooperative at meal time.

Reward good behaviour - Rewarding a child for eating their food makes it easier for them to eat all of the food.

Offer diverse food colours - Children like colourful food and exposing them to as much colours as you can will increase the chance of them eating their food.

Other useful websites that I have found...

- Teach children to connect with what they eat with how they feel. Ask them how they feel after eating healthy and suggest words like 'energized' and 'happy'. Food is a fuel for their body.

- Cool names make a difference - Make cool exciting names for different vegetables.

Monday, 21 November 2016

Self Publishing - Posters Developed #1

I decided to develop one of the posters I created in Nick's session. I chose the poster below because I like the emoji that I created of Trump so I'm using that as my focal point and inspiration.

If you still don't know where I got the emoji Trump look from, it's from the image below, when Trump had bits of hair sticking out which represents the upside 'g' in the emoji.

For one of the developed posters, I decided to look at the 'hope' poster produced by Shepard Fairey for the 2008 presidential campaign and use that to produce my poster because it's a well known poster so people would recognize immediately. I replicated the colours and look of it but the only difference is the person on the poster and I wrote 'hope' with a question mark because I'm questioning Trump as president. 

Below is Shepard Fairey's poster and below that, is my response to it. My first thoughts were I don't really like the look of it because I don't feel like the emoji goes with the look of the poster which is why I decided to change the colour of the background to see if it would make a difference, as shown below, but I still don't like the look of it.

The second poster I have designed is basically the American flag (not accurate) made up of Trump's emoji face. I prefer this one than the other one I designed.

Sunday, 20 November 2016

After Effects Week 2

16/11/2016 - Sara Nesteruk - Process and Production

In this After Effects session, we learned how to convey a moving object or character into a mask object with colour.

Below are some examples of what we learned today, for example, in the video, 'Young the Giant - Something to believe in', we see the characters moving and singing at the start whilst being coloured in and with a texture on their face. That was similar to what we had to do.

Young The Giant: Something To Believe In from Drew Tyndell on Vimeo.

Today, They Are Older Re-release Stinger from Sunbird Records on Vimeo.

Before I could create my video, I had to have some material to work with, so I got a video of my friend dabbing because I thought it would be fun to work with.

I created a new composition on After Effects with 25 frames with the video lasting 1 second. I uploaded the video on my composition where I encountered my first problem, the video of my friend was more than 1 second long so I had to crop it to 1 second and select the 1 second part that I wanted from the video.

It was time to create the mask of my friend. I did that by using the 'pen tool' and went around my friend, as shown below, so I had the outline shape of him. I repeated this process for each movement of his so I had an outline shape of  my friend for every time he moved.

I played around with the different options you can do with the outline like 'substract' and 'add' which changes the outline shape and gets rid of the background for you depending on what option you are on, as shown below.

After I completed that, I noticed I made a mistake, as you can see below, the images are on 'add' and 'substract', especially the second image below, you can see the original image coming through inside the outline shape even though it's supposed to be all pink without gaps, it's supposed to be a solid shape of my friend. That meant, I had to go over it again and fix that problem by moving the points around and deleting some anchor points to fix the problem. As you can see below, the third and fourth images below are the ones where I fixed the problem and when compared with the first and second images below, you can notice a difference.

Below was initially what I wanted my video to look but I decided to not go with it because I felt like the video looked better without the text on it.

The next step was to add a background to the video and the idea was to make the background move slightly but not a lot so it doesn't take the attention from the moving character which is the focal point of the video. 

I found a background, made a new composition and uploaded the background. To make it move, I went to 'transform' then I 'alt + clicked' on the stopwatch. I had the option to add a code to it so I typed 'wiggle (2,20) to make it wiggle slightly, as shown below.

Since I got everything I needed to do, it was time to put everything together and complete the video.

I created a new composition which was my main composition. I dragged my other two compositions, one which had my background and the other that had my moving character, onto my main composition.

From there, the next part was to add texture and colour to the character, I done that by creating a new solid layer and I chose the colour I wanted, I placed the solid layer underneath the character layer. I clicked on 'toggle switches/modes' then went to 'Trkmat' and changed the solid layer to something like 'Alpha Matte to Comp 1' which combined the character layer with the solid layer. From there, I just played around with the colours and composition of it. I eventually decided to repeat this process so I would have three characters dabbing at the same time but with different colours and placed differently on the layer because I felt like it looked funky which I liked.

Below is the video that I have produced and enjoyed making.....

When life gets you down, you DAB from Daniel Boscarino on Vimeo.

Saturday, 19 November 2016

Bear - The Next Step

After researching the bear website, I came to realise what type of topic I want to do for the cards, which is fruit and vegetables, it was one of my initial ideas from the start but after seeing how much importance there is about being healthy conveyed by the company, I felt like the company would appreciate this idea and since there are only 1 in 6 children eating their 5 a day in the UK, I felt like they should be educated on the benefits of eating healthy especially at a young age.

I have created a mind map of everything I can think of that relates to fruit and vegetables and anything that could help me, to give me an idea of where to start researching and what to research.

Seminar #6 - Essay and Visual Appendix

18/11/2016 - Seminar

In this seminar, we were introduced to the essay and visual appendix that we have to do.

This seminar begin with some key information like the next formative assessment is 27/02/2017 where the essay will be marked and I have to submit 750 words for it then the submission date is 3/04/2017, this is the final submission where I have to submit a 2500 word essay along with a visual appendix which is an A2 poster for a research exhibition, it's basically a visual summary of my essay.

For the visual appendix, I have to include  a 150 word abstract, essay title, name and course. It can't be bigger than 20MB and I have to submit it as a PDF file.

Essay Structure

We were given advice on how the essay should be set out.

- Title
- Abstract and keywords - The abstract has to be 150 words, it should summarise the essay's argument and position. I have to include 5 key words.
- Introduction - It should set the scene for the reader and defines the aims of the essay. It should state how this will be attempted and briefly presets what the reader can expect in the rest of the essay.
- Main body: Literature review, research question and case studies - It should start off broad and then narrow it down by focusing on my research. It should not be just a descriptive text and should critically reflect the information you present.
- Conclusion - Provides a summary of my findings and describe how the work could be continued in the future.
- Reference list and bibliography - Make sure that the references in the reference list match the ones in the main body of the essay.

We looked at what exactly is an essay and an essay could mean an argument because you are making a case or an opinion based on evidence and you choose a subject, include a bit of information to it then critically gather more information to find out an answer to your question and see what is true and what is false based on your case earlier.

The essay is a concise, evidenced thread of thinking. It needs to have clear defined structure, clear narrative and should be well written.

Friday, 18 November 2016

Bear - Primary Research

To get an idea of the type of cards the company bear designs, I decided to buy one for myself and evaluate the card I found inside. I did that to get a rough idea of what I am up against and what exactly they are looking for.

I decided to point out the things I like which I will keep and use for my design and other things that I don't like which I can use that to my advantage and improve the cards.

Thursday, 17 November 2016

Bear Brief Background Research

I decided to start my research by researching the bear website, I felt like it was a good starting point because I get to see what type of company they are and get a feel of it. I hope I can convey it onto a yoyo card.

I noticed that it's very child friendly, there's lots of illustration of different characters throughout the website with lots of colours which makes it seem friendly and playful.

Another thing I noticed was there's a lot of facts about their product and other stuff which is the same with the cards, they like the idea of being educational and to try and fit as much information as they can without being too much, that is something I need to convey on the cards. The emphasis on being healthy is another thing I noticed, they emphasize that their product is natural and 100% fruit with no added stuff. I think that is something I can use to inspire me, teaching kids about being healthy, just like bear.

There's different fun things to do on the website like games and stuff which is a great way to entertain kids and get them involved, that is something I could do, get them to think and be involved in a fun and educational way.

Last thing is, you can talk to the character, bear, which is a great way to get the young viewers involved and get them to ask bear anything, it brings kids closer to bear knowing the fact they can talk to him.

I feel like my cards has to include lots of colours and illustration to get that playful and friendly feel to it and try to include as much information and facts as I can without being too much. One thing I want to do is to try and teach kids to become more healthy, I feel like that's the way forward.

Wednesday, 16 November 2016

YCN Bear Brief - Initial Ideas

For this brief, I came up with two initial ideas. The brief wants me to create cards that are both educational and fun with a story behind it so for the first idea, I came up with the idea f creating cards of the most frequently asked questions by children to parents, it's a way to try and help parents when they can't answer some of the questions asked by their child, for example, why is the sky blue? How do planes stay up?

I thought of creating the cards in an illustrated fun way by answering the questions like a story which the kids can read whilst eating the yoyo. I thought of creating another character to represent the son/daughter of the big bear. I felt like it is time that the bear had a family, someone that could relate and represents the young viewers, for example, the little bear could ask the big bear the questions just like in real life, where a child asks his/her parents questions.

The second idea is getting the kids to learn about fruit and vegetables because when I went on the bear website for research, it said that only 1 in 6 children eat their five a day and since the company is all about being healthy, it made sense to do this idea.

I could design Pokemon styled cards where the monsters are fruit and vegetables which kids can battle each other with stats like who has the most iron, most vitamins etc but at the same time, learn about the different fruit and vegetables with fun facts about them.

The other idea that I came up with involving healthy eating is I could turn the fruit and vegetables into superheroes and they try to team up to fight the crime (germs). The beauty abut this idea is that I can develop it further by creating an online game on the bear website where the kids team up with the superheroes to fight the enemy or they help the superheroes to collect ingredients to create an healthy meal.

YCN Cornetto Brief - Initial Ideas

After reading the brief and researching a bit about the adverts that Cornetto have produced that involved love, I wanted to produce something different because most of the adverts were similar. The idea I got still includes the 'snap, scoop and share' and 'share the love' idea but it will be different because instead of the love being shared between two human beings, I thought of creating a campaign involving owners and their pets because I feel like it's quite popular at the moment, you see images of people and their pets on social media quite often. Love doesn't have to be just between two human beings.

Basically, the idea is people would 'snap and scoop' then 'share' an image of themselves, their pets and the Cornetto by posting it n social media with an hashtag, it's a new way to 'share the love'. If they wanted to push it further, they could get the image printed on a postcard so they can 'share the love' to anyone they want or even send it on special occasions like Christmas.

I think this should happen in the Winter because that's when the owners are mostly inside cuddled up with their pets and also, there's not that much competition in the Winter so it's time for Cornetto to take advantage of that.

There's people who wish it was Summer already so this idea could be making Winter into Summer by eating ice cream.

Tuesday, 15 November 2016

Types of Social Skills

After looking at the importance of social skills, I wanted to look at the types of social skills there are. I came across this website, which had some of the main types of social cues....

Facial Expressions - We use facial expressions to express how we are feeling at a certain particular time like smiling when we are happy and it's probably the first thing we see when we talk to someone so it's important to have the social skills to understand facial expressions. It's hard to hid our emotions through facial expressions because we may do something without realizing it like sometimes we may raise an eyebrow without knowing.

Body Language - We may use our body to express our emotions as an alternative way to facial expressions.

Voice Pitch and Tone - We may use our tone of voice to get a point across. Changing the voice pitch or tone of our voices could have an impact on how we say things and could change the meaning of what is being said.

Personal Space - Invading someone's personal space could be an indicate that we like them because we intend to get closer to someone if we like them but knowing how close we can invade the personal space or for how long is up to how good social skills are because we usually get a feeling from the person if they want us to move away.

I came across another website, which looks at the main processes of social skills that human beings have to use to interact and understand each other.

The main processes are....

- Seeing - seeing can be used in humans trying to notice and understand the other person's behaviour by seeing what is happening, for example, seeing their body language. It means understanding and noticing the context of the conversation, for example, kids who struggle with social skills might act silly in a situation where other people might be serious but they don't notice the seriousness around them because they can't read the body language or facial expression.

- Thinking - meaning, a person trying to interpret the other person's behaviour and thinking why they are doing what they are doing like are they being deliberate or accidental, that kind of stuff.

People with poor social skills could struggle to interpret other people's intentions, while having good social skills, a person could predict the other person's response and reply in effective ways.

- Doing - meaning, interacting with people in positive ways, for example, a person might want to join a conversation but lack the social skills to do so and they just feel anxious and avoid it, while others might say inappropriate comments without thinking about it.

Monday, 14 November 2016

Importance of Social Skills

Since my feedback, I changed my title and decided to concentrate on the effects screen based technology devices have on the social skills of young viewers. From there, I decided to research about social skills because I will include it in my presentation.

I looked at the definition of social skills which is the skills we use to interact and communicate with each other, it can be done through verbally or non verbally, hand gestures and body language. After that, I came across this website, which looks at the importance of having good social skills.

They came up with some helpful reasons to why it is important to have good social skills like...

  1. More and better relationships - You would be able to know how to interact and act around people, developing your social skills could make you more interesting. Having relationships is important in life because having someone there can help reduce stress and boost your self-esteem.
  2. Better communication - Improving your communication skills is important when it comes to social skills because it could increase the chances of you getting your point across effectively especially if it's something important and you would be able to talk in large groups and at the same time, being understood.
  3. Career prospects - Most of the jobs out there involves interacting with colleagues and customers so having good social skills is important because it goes back to being able to get your point across but also, being able to work well in a team and to motivate people which is vital when it comes to having a career.

Below is a draft example that I made of what my presentation slide about the importance of social skills could look like....

I feel like I could add more information to this slide or use better examples or reasons to why it's important to have good social skills. I added arrows and illustration to it because I felt like everything was connected and having all of these skills could end up making you happy, hence why I have a smiley face.

Sunday, 13 November 2016

Typesetting and Presentation #2 - Developed Posters

I have developed one of the posters that I have designed in the previous typesetting process and production session. Below is the poster that I designed earlier which I wasn't happy with because it's too simple and boring, I felt like it didn't fit the brief but I liked the idea behind it and the quote so I decided to use that as my starting point.

Below are the developed posters inspired by the poster above....