16/11/2016 - Sara Nesteruk - Process and Production
In this After Effects session, we learned how to convey a moving object or character into a mask object with colour.
Below are some examples of what we learned today, for example, in the video, 'Young the Giant - Something to believe in', we see the characters moving and singing at the start whilst being coloured in and with a texture on their face. That was similar to what we had to do.
Young The Giant: Something To Believe In from
Drew Tyndell on
Today, They Are Older Re-release Stinger from
Sunbird Records on
Before I could create my video, I had to have some material to work with, so I got a video of my friend dabbing because I thought it would be fun to work with.
I created a new composition on After Effects with 25 frames with the video lasting 1 second. I uploaded the video on my composition where I encountered my first problem, the video of my friend was more than 1 second long so I had to crop it to 1 second and select the 1 second part that I wanted from the video.
It was time to create the mask of my friend. I did that by using the 'pen tool' and went around my friend, as shown below, so I had the outline shape of him. I repeated this process for each movement of his so I had an outline shape of my friend for every time he moved.
I played around with the different options you can do with the outline like 'substract' and 'add' which changes the outline shape and gets rid of the background for you depending on what option you are on, as shown below.
After I completed that, I noticed I made a mistake, as you can see below, the images are on 'add' and 'substract', especially the second image below, you can see the original image coming through inside the outline shape even though it's supposed to be all pink without gaps, it's supposed to be a solid shape of my friend. That meant, I had to go over it again and fix that problem by moving the points around and deleting some anchor points to fix the problem. As you can see below, the third and fourth images below are the ones where I fixed the problem and when compared with the first and second images below, you can notice a difference.
Below was initially what I wanted my video to look but I decided to not go with it because I felt like the video looked better without the text on it.
The next step was to add a background to the video and the idea was to make the background move slightly but not a lot so it doesn't take the attention from the moving character which is the focal point of the video.
I found a background, made a new composition and uploaded the background. To make it move, I went to 'transform' then I 'alt + clicked' on the stopwatch. I had the option to add a code to it so I typed 'wiggle (2,20) to make it wiggle slightly, as shown below.
Since I got everything I needed to do, it was time to put everything together and complete the video.
I created a new composition which was my main composition. I dragged my other two compositions, one which had my background and the other that had my moving character, onto my main composition.
From there, the next part was to add texture and colour to the character, I done that by creating a new solid layer and I chose the colour I wanted, I placed the solid layer underneath the character layer. I clicked on 'toggle switches/modes' then went to 'Trkmat' and changed the solid layer to something like 'Alpha Matte to Comp 1' which combined the character layer with the solid layer. From there, I just played around with the colours and composition of it. I eventually decided to repeat this process so I would have three characters dabbing at the same time but with different colours and placed differently on the layer because I felt like it looked funky which I liked.
Below is the video that I have produced and enjoyed making.....
When life gets you down, you DAB from
Daniel Boscarino on