Wednesday 16 November 2016

YCN Bear Brief - Initial Ideas

For this brief, I came up with two initial ideas. The brief wants me to create cards that are both educational and fun with a story behind it so for the first idea, I came up with the idea f creating cards of the most frequently asked questions by children to parents, it's a way to try and help parents when they can't answer some of the questions asked by their child, for example, why is the sky blue? How do planes stay up?

I thought of creating the cards in an illustrated fun way by answering the questions like a story which the kids can read whilst eating the yoyo. I thought of creating another character to represent the son/daughter of the big bear. I felt like it is time that the bear had a family, someone that could relate and represents the young viewers, for example, the little bear could ask the big bear the questions just like in real life, where a child asks his/her parents questions.

The second idea is getting the kids to learn about fruit and vegetables because when I went on the bear website for research, it said that only 1 in 6 children eat their five a day and since the company is all about being healthy, it made sense to do this idea.

I could design Pokemon styled cards where the monsters are fruit and vegetables which kids can battle each other with stats like who has the most iron, most vitamins etc but at the same time, learn about the different fruit and vegetables with fun facts about them.

The other idea that I came up with involving healthy eating is I could turn the fruit and vegetables into superheroes and they try to team up to fight the crime (germs). The beauty abut this idea is that I can develop it further by creating an online game on the bear website where the kids team up with the superheroes to fight the enemy or they help the superheroes to collect ingredients to create an healthy meal.

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