Monday 14 November 2016

Importance of Social Skills

Since my feedback, I changed my title and decided to concentrate on the effects screen based technology devices have on the social skills of young viewers. From there, I decided to research about social skills because I will include it in my presentation.

I looked at the definition of social skills which is the skills we use to interact and communicate with each other, it can be done through verbally or non verbally, hand gestures and body language. After that, I came across this website, which looks at the importance of having good social skills.

They came up with some helpful reasons to why it is important to have good social skills like...

  1. More and better relationships - You would be able to know how to interact and act around people, developing your social skills could make you more interesting. Having relationships is important in life because having someone there can help reduce stress and boost your self-esteem.
  2. Better communication - Improving your communication skills is important when it comes to social skills because it could increase the chances of you getting your point across effectively especially if it's something important and you would be able to talk in large groups and at the same time, being understood.
  3. Career prospects - Most of the jobs out there involves interacting with colleagues and customers so having good social skills is important because it goes back to being able to get your point across but also, being able to work well in a team and to motivate people which is vital when it comes to having a career.

Below is a draft example that I made of what my presentation slide about the importance of social skills could look like....

I feel like I could add more information to this slide or use better examples or reasons to why it's important to have good social skills. I added arrows and illustration to it because I felt like everything was connected and having all of these skills could end up making you happy, hence why I have a smiley face.

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