Tuesday, 29 November 2016

Pros and Cons of using technology for social skills

My whole idea was to look at the effects technology has on the social skills of a young viewer, but the question is, in a good or bad way?

I have found several links that I have looked at that talks about the effects it has, to make it fair, I have looked at both sides of it so that I could come to a conclusion later on and compare the answers.

The link I have looked at is the Huffington Post which talks about the negative of using devices but also talks a little about the positives. It talks about how using technology devices a lot, kids would find it hard when it comes to long pauses or eye contact when interacting in person because they are not used to it and wouldn't know what to do next. When you are interacting in person, that is different to how you are interacting behind a screen because in person, you have to think on your feet and reply quickly, with a screen, you can take your time and think about what you will say. There are some positives though, for example, how it can help people with Autism become more social and it encourages them to develop a 'virtual empathy'.


The other links below talks about this app that teaches kids about social skills. You start off by creating a character which represents you and from there, there are different stages where the kids are taught to handle different situations where they could encounter in real life. Th other great thing is it lets kids ask any questions they have regarding social issues which they will get an answer for.

There are different apps available like 'You Can Learn' which teaches kids how to handle real life situations but also, other apps like Skype, which allows you to interact with a person, face to face, behind a screen, the beauty of it you get to see their facial expressions which you have to respond to. It may not be as effective as interacting in person but it is a good way to learn the social cues.



Bouncy The People Trainer's You Can Learn App Directions from Ripple Effects on Vimeo.

There are some negatives that comes with using technology, for example, the link below that I have looked at states that using technology devices for a long time affects the brain nerve that is used for learning so, it affects the child's ability to read and understand certain situations that could happen to them in real life. It also states that if a person relies on technology for communicating with other people, it weakens their people skills and there's a chance that people could become detached from other people's feelings, from the lack of interaction and personal touch you get from interacting in person where you get to see their facial expressions and body language.


The link below looks at different ways how using technology affects a child. They did a study where kids who had no access to technology for couple of days were better at understanding emotions and non verbal cues of faces more than the kids who used devices during that time.

It states that more than a third of children under the age of two use mobile media, if you think about the amount of time spent on it, long use of technology devices by children could lead to distraction and decreased memory, if you think about learning, that could be a problem because their brain won’t be able to remember what they have learned as effectively, not being able to remember as effectively could lead to forgetting it or not being able to use what they have learned to their advantage.


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