Tuesday 22 November 2016

Bear - Research #1

I feel like to start my research, I need to know how to get kids to eat their fruit and vegetables to get an understanding of the type of design I'm going to do, it will be like when parents manipulate their kids into eating their food, I need to find a technique that works for me. There's no point designing something that won't catch the young viewer's attention and keep them interested.

I cam across this website that had more than 10 examples of how to get kids to eat their vegetables and I have picked out some that I found useful and something I feel like I can work with....


Make food fun - Kids love to play make believe and to play games. Making healthy food fun and making up games and stories will get the child's attention and get them to eat their food, e.g. Making a story about dinosaurs to get the child to eat their broccoli.

Get them involved - Children are more connected with a meal of they are part of the preparation. It makes them more enthusiastic and cooperative at meal time.

Reward good behaviour - Rewarding a child for eating their food makes it easier for them to eat all of the food.

Offer diverse food colours - Children like colourful food and exposing them to as much colours as you can will increase the chance of them eating their food.

Other useful websites that I have found...


- Teach children to connect with what they eat with how they feel. Ask them how they feel after eating healthy and suggest words like 'energized' and 'happy'. Food is a fuel for their body.


- Cool names make a difference - Make cool exciting names for different vegetables.

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