I tried to research the different examples and reason so that I have a range of different examples to choose from.
I came across this website, http://timesofindia.indiatimes.com/life-style/relationships/parenting/Kids-spend-more-time-on-technology-than-family/articleshow/32295819.cms and there's a small section of it on the website that I found useful, apparently 30% of children claim that their parent's technology device usage sets a bad example on them and 68% of parents use technology devices whilst with their kids. I think that could be one of the reasons why there is an increase in screen time by children, it could come from the parents, they set a bad example on their children because kids learn a lot from their parents and for them to see their parents spending a lot of time on devices, in their mind, they will think it is normal and follow the parents by using the technology devices themselves. I feel like that's a good example and one that I will use in my presentation.
The other website I came across was, http://www.growingwireless.com/get-the-facts/quick-facts , I like this one because there's a lot of information on it, It's spread out so I got a range of information that I could choose from. There's information about the percentage of people of different groups using different technology devices like cell phone and tablet.
What this shows is how the usage of technology devices has increased and how more kids are owning more devices like tablets and laptops. I feel like it has increased because kids are more exposed to technology devices and have more access to them, more so than back in the day when there was not as much technology devices around.
I decided to choose some useful stats from the website that most relates to my topic like the under 2 year old stat and the 8 to 12 year old stat because I am looking at that range of age group. I decided to illustrate it because I feel like people would take in the information more effectively if it is displayed in a nice and clear visual way.
This is what I have designed in response to the information I have gathered from that website. I highlighted the percentage by making it bold because it's the key information and I illustrated the person and the phone together so the viewer would understand immediately that it involves phones.
Whilst I was researching on the amount of devices that are owned and used by teenagers and young children, I came across this webiste as well, http://www.pewinternet.org/2015/04/09/a-majority-of-american-teens-report-access-to-a-computer-game-console-smartphone-and-a-tablet/ , which I decided to replicate a graph that was used on this website which I feel emphasizes on how much devices young people use and have access to. I feel like this conveys the information more clearly. I think it shows why there is an increase in screen time.
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