Showing posts with label Presentation. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Presentation. Show all posts

Tuesday, 29 November 2016

Pros and Cons of using technology for social skills

My whole idea was to look at the effects technology has on the social skills of a young viewer, but the question is, in a good or bad way?

I have found several links that I have looked at that talks about the effects it has, to make it fair, I have looked at both sides of it so that I could come to a conclusion later on and compare the answers.

The link I have looked at is the Huffington Post which talks about the negative of using devices but also talks a little about the positives. It talks about how using technology devices a lot, kids would find it hard when it comes to long pauses or eye contact when interacting in person because they are not used to it and wouldn't know what to do next. When you are interacting in person, that is different to how you are interacting behind a screen because in person, you have to think on your feet and reply quickly, with a screen, you can take your time and think about what you will say. There are some positives though, for example, how it can help people with Autism become more social and it encourages them to develop a 'virtual empathy'.

The other links below talks about this app that teaches kids about social skills. You start off by creating a character which represents you and from there, there are different stages where the kids are taught to handle different situations where they could encounter in real life. Th other great thing is it lets kids ask any questions they have regarding social issues which they will get an answer for.

There are different apps available like 'You Can Learn' which teaches kids how to handle real life situations but also, other apps like Skype, which allows you to interact with a person, face to face, behind a screen, the beauty of it you get to see their facial expressions which you have to respond to. It may not be as effective as interacting in person but it is a good way to learn the social cues.

Bouncy The People Trainer's You Can Learn App Directions from Ripple Effects on Vimeo.

There are some negatives that comes with using technology, for example, the link below that I have looked at states that using technology devices for a long time affects the brain nerve that is used for learning so, it affects the child's ability to read and understand certain situations that could happen to them in real life. It also states that if a person relies on technology for communicating with other people, it weakens their people skills and there's a chance that people could become detached from other people's feelings, from the lack of interaction and personal touch you get from interacting in person where you get to see their facial expressions and body language.

The link below looks at different ways how using technology affects a child. They did a study where kids who had no access to technology for couple of days were better at understanding emotions and non verbal cues of faces more than the kids who used devices during that time.

It states that more than a third of children under the age of two use mobile media, if you think about the amount of time spent on it, long use of technology devices by children could lead to distraction and decreased memory, if you think about learning, that could be a problem because their brain won’t be able to remember what they have learned as effectively, not being able to remember as effectively could lead to forgetting it or not being able to use what they have learned to their advantage.

Sunday, 27 November 2016

The increase in technology devices usage

I'm researching why there is an increase in screen time, this is a follow up on the research on how much screen time kids have on average compared to back in the day.

I tried to research the different examples and reason so that I have a range of different examples to choose from.

I came across this website, and there's a small section of it on the website that I found useful, apparently 30% of children claim that their parent's technology device usage sets a bad example on them and 68% of parents use technology devices whilst with their kids. I think that could be one of the reasons why there is an increase in screen time by children, it could come from the parents, they set a bad example on their children because kids learn a lot from their parents and for them to see their parents spending a lot of time on devices, in their mind, they will think it is normal and follow the parents by using the technology devices themselves. I feel like that's a good example and one that I will use in my presentation.

The other website I came across was, , I like this one because there's a lot of information on it, It's spread out so I got a range of information that I could choose from. There's information about the percentage of people of different groups using different technology devices like cell phone and tablet.

What this shows is how the usage of technology devices has increased and how more kids are owning more devices like tablets and laptops. I feel like it has increased because kids are more exposed to technology devices and have more access to them, more so than back in the day when there was not as much technology devices around.

I decided to choose some useful stats from the website that most relates to my topic like the under 2 year old stat and the 8 to 12 year old stat because I am looking at that range of age group. I decided to illustrate it because I feel like people would take in the information more effectively if it is displayed in  a nice and clear visual way.

This is what I have designed in response to the information I have gathered from that website. I highlighted the percentage by making it bold because it's the key information and I illustrated the person and the phone together so the viewer would understand immediately that it involves phones.

Whilst I was researching on the amount of devices that are owned and used by teenagers and young children, I came across this webiste as well, , which I decided to replicate a graph that was used on this website which I feel emphasizes on how much devices young people use and have access to. I feel like this conveys the information more clearly. I think it shows why there is an increase in screen time.

Tuesday, 15 November 2016

Types of Social Skills

After looking at the importance of social skills, I wanted to look at the types of social skills there are. I came across this website, which had some of the main types of social cues....

Facial Expressions - We use facial expressions to express how we are feeling at a certain particular time like smiling when we are happy and it's probably the first thing we see when we talk to someone so it's important to have the social skills to understand facial expressions. It's hard to hid our emotions through facial expressions because we may do something without realizing it like sometimes we may raise an eyebrow without knowing.

Body Language - We may use our body to express our emotions as an alternative way to facial expressions.

Voice Pitch and Tone - We may use our tone of voice to get a point across. Changing the voice pitch or tone of our voices could have an impact on how we say things and could change the meaning of what is being said.

Personal Space - Invading someone's personal space could be an indicate that we like them because we intend to get closer to someone if we like them but knowing how close we can invade the personal space or for how long is up to how good social skills are because we usually get a feeling from the person if they want us to move away.

I came across another website, which looks at the main processes of social skills that human beings have to use to interact and understand each other.

The main processes are....

- Seeing - seeing can be used in humans trying to notice and understand the other person's behaviour by seeing what is happening, for example, seeing their body language. It means understanding and noticing the context of the conversation, for example, kids who struggle with social skills might act silly in a situation where other people might be serious but they don't notice the seriousness around them because they can't read the body language or facial expression.

- Thinking - meaning, a person trying to interpret the other person's behaviour and thinking why they are doing what they are doing like are they being deliberate or accidental, that kind of stuff.

People with poor social skills could struggle to interpret other people's intentions, while having good social skills, a person could predict the other person's response and reply in effective ways.

- Doing - meaning, interacting with people in positive ways, for example, a person might want to join a conversation but lack the social skills to do so and they just feel anxious and avoid it, while others might say inappropriate comments without thinking about it.

Monday, 14 November 2016

Importance of Social Skills

Since my feedback, I changed my title and decided to concentrate on the effects screen based technology devices have on the social skills of young viewers. From there, I decided to research about social skills because I will include it in my presentation.

I looked at the definition of social skills which is the skills we use to interact and communicate with each other, it can be done through verbally or non verbally, hand gestures and body language. After that, I came across this website, which looks at the importance of having good social skills.

They came up with some helpful reasons to why it is important to have good social skills like...

  1. More and better relationships - You would be able to know how to interact and act around people, developing your social skills could make you more interesting. Having relationships is important in life because having someone there can help reduce stress and boost your self-esteem.
  2. Better communication - Improving your communication skills is important when it comes to social skills because it could increase the chances of you getting your point across effectively especially if it's something important and you would be able to talk in large groups and at the same time, being understood.
  3. Career prospects - Most of the jobs out there involves interacting with colleagues and customers so having good social skills is important because it goes back to being able to get your point across but also, being able to work well in a team and to motivate people which is vital when it comes to having a career.

Below is a draft example that I made of what my presentation slide about the importance of social skills could look like....

I feel like I could add more information to this slide or use better examples or reasons to why it's important to have good social skills. I added arrows and illustration to it because I felt like everything was connected and having all of these skills could end up making you happy, hence why I have a smiley face.

Saturday, 12 November 2016

Seminar (5) - Assessment Feedback

11/11/2016 - Seminar

This was the first seminar after our formative assessment and this session was all about feedback.

At the start of the seminar, we had to evaluate ourselves and write down what we thought we did good in our presentation and what we thought we did bad and had to improve. For the good part, I felt like I made my presentation simple so not over complicated and easy to follow which is vital in presentations because the viewer has to understand what is going on. For the bad part, I felt like my title was too broad which made my research question too open as well, that is something I have to improve, I need to narrow my title down which will then help me improve my research question.

The next part was about some of the general points, good and bad, that Polina saw in assessment. It's a good thing they were pointed out so I know which one relates to me and from that, I can improve on it.

General Strong Points

- Presentation design - Coherent to assessment guidelines.

- Topic/Subject - Very interesting.

- Aural description - Good management of presentation time.


- Presentation design - Less or better use of text, that can be improved by changing the text size, font or even the colour of the text to highlight something.
- Images/text close to edges - They need to be moved.

- Topic/Subject - Too broad, needs to be narrowed down.

- Title - Should summarise your topic, it should be easy to understand and it should explain the topic and give the content of it.

- Research Question - Needs to be phrased as a question.
- Should be as focused as possible, should be narrowed which will make our lives easier and it should reflect the title.

- Aural description - More practice and rehearsals.

- Language - Correct English grammar.

- Reference/Bibliography - Always include at the end and should be listed separately.

- Submission - Should be submitted on time.

- Attendance - Attending will help to improve performance and grade.

Thursday, 3 November 2016

Presentation Feedback - Formative Assessment

2/11/2016 - Polina

- My title is too broad, I have to narrow it down more, maybe choose between looking at social skills or brain development and choose one and go with that in more detail.

- Reduce my intro. It's too long for the reader to read, pick out key words and use them to write my introduction.

- Reduce the questions in my presentation. It could be confusing for the viewer to know exactly what my main research question is.

- Change my research quesion. I may find it difficult to find answers for it, change it to one that I could find answers easier.

- Include more studies and stats instead of just one or two.

- Place the pros/cons slide after the main research question instead of before it because the slide looks at how it approaches the main research question.

In conclusion, I think overall it went well, I don't feel like I have to make major changes to it which is good and I got some helpful feedback that will help me improve my slides and push it further on.

Thursday, 27 October 2016

Technology and Education

I decided to look at technology and how it is used in education as there are worries from the parents. I wanted to see if it benefits children or not. Since we live in a world where kids are bound to use technology and will at some point be used in classes more often whether the parents like it or not.

I already came across the first link below earlier but I decided to use it again as it has some information regarding education...

PBS talks about how we are only a click away from any information that we require. The beauty of using technology is that it's quick but easy as well to find information, that is useful if we don't have a lot of time to waste looking through books for answers, we can simply use the web. The only problem is, by using technology more, we may neglect other resources like books and films to find our information, also, using the web for information could be risky as some information could be inaccurate and outdated.

I also used the link below to find information about technology and education..

This link also talks about how we can use the web to find information to help with our education, but also, it looks at how valuable it is to use technology as there are many careers that uses and required technology and knowing how to use it could come to your advantage. Learning how to use it in class could benefit them and they would be able to use it outside the class as well.

Another thing they have looked at which could be useful for students is how you can use technology to be organized. You can save and keep any vital information you have found or any notes that will be written and everything could be placed in files instead of actually keeping physical files which could be annoying to carry on and to organize.

 The last thing is how kids are more used to using screens that they might benefit from reading and learning from a screen instead of books. They might lose their attention more whilst reading something in person than reading something off a screen.

They could use apps like Facebook and Twitter to keep up to date with the news or what is going on with the world which could be useful to know,

Tuesday, 25 October 2016

Why do we use technology?

I was researching why we use technology and I came across this PDF above which I thought was helpful. It gave me some examples of why we use technology.

We may use technology because we are one click away from everything, for example, if we wanted to find some piece of information, instead of going to the library and spending ages to find the right book, we can easily just go on the internet and find the information within 2 minutes. I think that's a good and a bad thing. It's good because we save time by finding information very quickly and effectively but it could be bad because we neglect other information resources like books and films and it could makes us lazy as we don't even have to move from our chairs to find the information.

Other examples of using technology is that it's very entertaining. There's always a new video or game that can be played on the internet. It's also a great way to interact with other people to maintain friendships but to create new ones as well, it's great that we can talk to strangers online and become friends but the negative of it is that we don't do it enough in person or we don't interact enough with the people around us like family and friends.

I came across another site that I thought was helpful, this was more of a question and an answer type where anyone can give their own opinion to it so it was interesting to see what people thought of this matter.

The question was "why do we need technology?", this was different to my question but equally imprtant because I wanted to know why we needed technology to give me an idea of why we use technology.

The part that caught my attention was that technology can provide a safe and comfort environment for human beings, I think this opinion is true in some ways and I can give my own opinion to it because there are people who do feel safe when using technology, for example, talking to people because they are behind a screen and not face to face so they feel more comfortable in saying stuff, another example is those people who may not have a lot of friends so they use technology as a way to replace that because they can get lost in the technology world and forget about their worries for a while.

Friday, 21 October 2016

Assessment Preparation (1a) - Seminar #4

Seminar - 21/10/2016

This seminar was revisiting some of the things that has been said in the previous seminars. I think this seminar has helped me because I was still unsure of what I was doing but now I have an idea of what to do and how to set out my presentation after getting feedback.

I have a formative assessment soon and it will be a 5 minute presentation which I will set it out like this and in this particular order...

1 slide - Title, URL, name and course.
2-7 - Background research
1 slide - Main research question
1 slide - Reference and bibliography

We had to bring in our draft presentation that we produced to get feedback from. This is what I have produced so far...

The feedback I got was useful. My title is too broad, I could narrow it more and explain what I mean by effects because it could mean culture wise or social wise and I need to find a better way to explain 'technology devices' as it could be anything like past devices or present, I could change it to contemporary devices which I feel is a better explanation.

I got told to look at people relating to this subject like Marshall McLuhan, I should look at including images to my presentation but avoid including video, I should include any definitions, have specific terminologies and case studies like age groups so that I have a range of different research and knowledge to my presentation. It would make my presentation interesting instead of having just text of what I'm looking at and what I'm going to say.

Another piece of advice to maybe get rid of the 'aim' slide just for now because it's not that important for my formative assessment. I could keep the 'research/questions' slide but maybe change it slightly because I should only have one slide for the main research question, having lots of research questions could confuse the viewer.

I could look at pre-internet and maybe compare it to how it is now, this could emphasize my message of the effects technology has on young viewers but focus more on the dangers of it because that's what I feel the audience wants to know more than anything.

I feel like this seminar has helped me give an understanding of what I should do for my formative assessment. I have a clear idea of how to set out my presentation and what to include.

Sunday, 16 October 2016

Amount of time the young viewers spend on devices - Research

For my research, I wanted to find out how much young viewers spend on devices to get an idea of the statistics behind it.

I came across this article that the BBC wrote which I think is very useful because not only it tells us how many hours children spend on the screen but it also compares it to how it used to be about 20 years ago. This is great because I'm trying to emphasize how technology has changed us, how we evolved with it and this article is a good example.


Wakefield, J.W. (2015). Children spend six hours or more a day on screens. Retrieved from

It says that in 1999, children aged 5 to 16 would spend an average of three hours in front a screen compared to 2015, where children would spend an average of 6 and a half hours in front of the screen. When it says screen, it represents TV, gaming consoles, mobile, tablet or computer.

I have designed a diagram to emphasize the difference between 1999 and 2015. This is on average the amount time spent in front of a screen in 1999 and 2015.

The teenage girls spent about 3 and a half hours in front of a screen in 1999 but in 2015, the time increased and it is reported that they now spend around seven and a half hours on average.

It is the same for young children as well, the time has increased but not that much, in 1999, they would spend on average two and a half hours but in 2015, it only increased by two hours. I do think the time will keep increasing though for the young children.

What is the reason behind the increase?

- We live in a world where we are surrounded by technology, more so than ever and there's an increase of devices since 1999 so it's hard for someone to not have at least one device since it's everywhere and affordable. 

Back in the day, magazines were the ways for a child to connect with the media but now, they can connect with the media in so many ways, more interesting than reading a magazine.

The article says that the internet gives the children more freedom in exploring their own interests, more so than the magazines did.

In conclusion, young viewers are spending their time behind a screen more than they did in the past but who can blame them, there weren't many devices back in the day and they weren't as affordable as they are now so it's easy to get sucked into using a technology device because there are so many options to choose from. Nowadays, technology will always beat a book or a magazine because it's more interesting, it requires less thought because unlike reading, you don't have to visualize what you are seeing and using technology is the easy way to communicate without any effort.

The effects technology has on the social skills of young viewers - Research


Bindley, K.B. (2011). When children text all day, what happens to their social skills?. Retrieved from

I came across this article by the Huffington Post which looks at the effects technology has on the social skills of young kids. There's a question that caught my eye which I thought was interesting to think about, "Will they be able to hold their own in conversation?" I thought this was interesting because we spend so much time communicating online but how does it affect our social skills in person or does it affect it at all?

The article states that many of us don't exercise our face to face socialization muscles as much as we did in the past, this could affect those who has to talk to strangers they have never spoke to before, would they know how to interact properly? Well, Melissa Ortega who is a child psychologist believes that "they don't know how to handle conflict face to face because so many things happen through some sort of technology." Conversation needs practice and kids who are dependent on technology will struggle to interact. Another thing that could affect them is to initiate conversations, since they are not used to it, they wouldn't know how to start a conversation.

Another part that I found interesting was the difference between speaking to someone on a device to speaking to them in person and the difference is big, for example, it's easier to read someone in person because you get to see their face, how they move, their eye contact and the pauses between the interaction which then you have to respond on your feet right away, it's more powerful and it stimulates the brain more than speaking to someone behind a screen, from that, you get to learn facial expressions and what to say, this is what is lacking when speaking to someone on a device.

Let's forget for a second on how kids are using technology and focus on why they are using it. Kids are using technology to soothe and entertain themselves, they have nothing to do at times so they turn their attention to technology instead of using their imagination to entertain themselves which what kids used to do in the past, that could have an impact on their creativity.

Friday, 14 October 2016

The Research Question - Seminar #3

14/10/2016 - Seminar

In this week's seminar, our focus was to come up with questions that I will use to help me with my research and my presentation. I think it would be useful to keep in mind the why, what and how questions.

Having a question is important because it will summarise everything I am doing and what I will talk about, it's the spinal core of the research so I can start to research about it and it will be a guide for me if I ever get stuck.

To come up with a question, I will need a research subject so what I'm going to do and a research title, shorter version of my research subject, usually created by taking out key words from the subject and finding a way to combine them together, from there, a background and literature review will be conducted and finally, I have to come up with different research questions that I have to explore to help me narrow down my subject.

Generating research questions is important because it talks about my research subject, reveals how I will investigate my research subject by using different approaches like why, how etc. It narrows down my investigation and by narrowing it down, it will help me give me a clear idea what I'm doing because at the moment, my subject is quite open.

My research subject

I want to explore how technology has affected us but mostly, how devices affects the development and growth of a young person.

My research title

The effects devices have on young viewers, what does the future hold for them?

This research title is just a work in progress, I feel like this title is too open or too long. I will be changing it as I get more into it.

For the final part, we got into pairs and we had to discuss our subject and from there, the other person had to give us useful research questions that I can look at to help me. I still have to come up with a title and I hope the questions that I will explore will help me come up with an effective title.

The questions/research I can look at that my partner recommended were....
- Most used technology device?
- Age groups? I could look at how young the viewers are then connect it to what devices thy use the most.
- How am I going to convey this? What is my purpose, am I trying to create awareness, if so, how will I convey it?
- The dangers of it - Social skills, education.
- Different aspects of technology/devices - Social media, gaming etc.

I received useful advice from my partner because the questions/research that I got given were very diverse so I can look at them all and help me decide what I'm interested in and what to take out but also, I can create connection between them.

By doing this activity, it has helped me because now I have an idea of where to start researching and what to research.

I think I will try and explore every advice I was given and document them on my blog.

Friday, 7 October 2016

Contextual Portfolio - Presentation Seminar #2

07/10/2016 - Seminar

In this seminar, we spoke about the two presentations we will have to do in the future, one is formative and the other is summative.

The formative presentation will include 5-10 slides representing my blog posts with a description of what it is about which I then have to present it and talk about it. I will have about 5 minutes to talk about everything so I have to make sure I don't talk about stuff that aren't relevant so I don't waste time.

The summative presentation is different and not as simple as the formative presentation. It will be like a 'pechakucha' style presentation which we will have about 10 minutes to talk about our presentation.
I will have to include 20 slides with a description of what it is.

How it should be set out....

- 1 slide - Title, URL (blog), Name Surname, Course.
- 1 slide - Introduction - Key themes, what format...
- 5 slides - Background - Past and present ideas, theories and practices.
- 2 slides - Questions and Aims - What do I want to find out and achieve.
- 5 slides - Approach - Theories and practices I have used.
- 5 slides - Results and discussion - What did I learn and accomplished, how it affected me?
- 1 slide - Future work - How do I position myself as a visual creative, what are my future work?

What is PechaKucha?

- PechaKucha is a style of presentation that includes 20 slides and each slide shown for 20 seconds (6 minutes and 40 seconds). It is used to keep the presentation fast-paced and concise. This style would be useful to use.

Some of the things I have to consider is the format, should I do it on Indesign or Powerpoint? or both? Because some computers will not have Indesign but if I create the presentation in both formats, if something goes wrong with one, I could use the other so it is something I have to consider.

This includes some of the things I can do to make my presentation successful...

- Keep it simples - Do not over complicate it.
- Keep it clear - Easy to read.
- Write notes - What am I going to say?
- Calculate time - How much time for each slide
- Tell a story - Makes it interesting.
- Rehearse
- Use a stopwatch - Time myself.

Some of the things I shouldn't do...

- Too much illegible text.
- Complex diagrams (overly) - I want the audience to focus on me,
- Reading from my notes - Have them printed and practice them.

We were shown a video on Youtube which I feel like it sums up what I shouldn't do in a presentation and what the common mistakes that people make when presenting.

Academics Behaving Badly

At 2:48, he shows the 'outline of my presentation' which is something that usually happens in presentations and the fact he is displaying it will help me because I will be more prepared and I will make sure none of the stuff on it will happen to me.

The other points that he touched was don't display complicated diagrams, images or long text because it's very distracting and you want the audience to know what you are saying.

The next part was a little activity we had to do. We had to get into pairs and talk about our idea, the other then had to give back feedback and from that, we had to find ways we have improve it for next week.

First off, the title should be short and straight to the point, it should tell the audience what the slides will be about, key words about my idea should be used to help me.

My idea is too open, I need to narrow it down, I need to ask myself, what do I want to find out?

A good feedback was to focus on 'Autopoiesis' which was one of the key words from our project. I need to focus on that because my idea sounds similar to what Autopoiesis means and it could be a good way to narrow down my idea.