Saturday 26 November 2016

Bear - Fruit Research #4

Since I have researched about vegetables, it was time to research about fruit.


- Blueberries are high in antioxidants. helps neutralize some free radicals that cause damage to our DNA which helps protect against aging.

- Protects the cholesterol in the blood from being damaged and reduces the levels of oxidized LDL.

- Lowers blood pressure.

- Helps prevents heart attack.

- Helps improve brain function - accumulates in areas of the brain, essential for intelligence.

- Lowers blood sugar levels.

- Helps reduce muscle damage after exercise. 

- Contains about 85% water.

- Reduces damage from over sun exposure.

- Improves vision.


- Source of fiber - prevents constipation and other intestinal problems.

- Eating 2/3 kiwis a day can reduce potential of blood clotting.

- It's an alkaline fruit - rich supply of minerals to replace the excess of acidic foods produced by humans - benefits of it is youthful skin, deeper sleep and abundant physical energy.

- Protects skin from degeneration and it's a good source of Vitamin E.

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