Thursday 24 November 2016

Bear - Vegetable Research #3

I am researching about vegetables to give me an idea of what the benefits of each vegetable is and how to use it to my advantage. I have pick out certain parts of the benefits which interests me and which I feel will help me.


- Low calories and negligible amount of fat and no cholesterol.

- Rich source of carotenes and Vitamin A - maintains good eye health and maintenance of growth and development.

- Good source of Vitamin C - helps to maintain healthy teeth and gums.Helps the human body to protect from diseases.

- They compose of healthy minerals like copper, calcium, potassium, manganese and phosphorus. Potassium is important in helping the body to control heart rate and blood pressure by countering effects of sodium.


- Good amount of  soluble dietary fiber - recommended for weight reduction and cholesterol control.

- Contains a lot of iron. Iron is important and required by the human body for red blood cell production.

- Rich source of Vitamin A and C - Help protect against oxygen-derived free radicals and reactive oxygen species that play a role in aging.

- Vitamin A is required to maintain a healthy mucus membrane and skin, it's also essential for normal eyesight. 

- Contains Vitamin K - Plays a vital role in strengthening bone mass and limit neuronal damage in the brain.

- Vitamin C helps the body develop resistance against infections and viruses.

- Contains potassium which controls the heart rate and blood rate. It also contains copper which is required in production of red blood cells and zinc which regulates growth and development and helps with digestion.

Sweet Corn

- Grows under the sun.

- High in calories, compared to other vegetables.

- One of the finest sources of dietary fibers - helps regulate in gradual increase in blood sugar levels.

- Good source of phenolic flavonoid antioxidant - plays a vital role in preventing aging and inflammation in humans.

- Contain compound that are vital in maintaining healthy mucusa, skin and vision.

 - Contains zinc, copper, iron and magnesium. 

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