Wednesday 23 November 2016

Bear - Research #2

I am continuing my research by looking at how other resources like kid shows have advertised healthy eating and how they tried to get kids to eat healthier. I have looked at Charlie and Lola especially this episode about vegetables because it relates to what I am doing and trying to do. I decided to study Charlie and Lola because I remember watching them as a kid and really enjoyed watching it so I am looking at how they capture the child's attention.

I am specifically looking at how they convey the message of eating healthy and I have noticed they do it through storytelling, e.g. when Charlie is trying to get Lola to eat carrots by saying stuff like those are not carrots, they are orange twiglets from space. They also created friendly characters to go with the story.

What I learned is that storytelling is a good way to get kids to eat their vegetables and by making up little stories, it makes them use their imagination and get them to forget what they are eating.

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