Friday 25 November 2016

Seminar #7 : Keywords and Literature

Seminar - 25/11/2016

The first part of the seminar was about keywords. Those keywords we have to include in our essay and we were given a strategy of how to develop and think of useful keywords like define my topic so I know clearly what my topic is about, from that, I would pick keywords so I would pull out words that indicate the main concept and also, think of alternative keywords. Finally, choose a database, I can find specific databases in the library.

The next part was about the literature review that will be included in the main body of the essay. Literature review is a critical presentation and discussion of the main sources of my topic. We were given a structure for the literature review as well. I need to outline my topic, give definitions and basic historical framework then present my main ideas, writings and practices, finally, present my research question so what I want to focus on and find out.

We then looked at what the literature review does. It shows my knowledge of the origins, definitions, vocabulary of the topic, it gives an understanding of the main ideas, writings and practices, it shows a variety of approaches and opinions and finally, it shows how my research question fits in.

To show my knowledge and understanding of my main ideas, I need to find the main works of it. I can achieve that by using the keywords to search on database i.e. Library, google scholar etc. I need to use any text, work or item that has an important effect on the development of the field and used in several other disciplines, fields or topics and I need to find any approach or methodology that others have replicated.

W were given some sources and help like to always makes sure we write notes as we read, it's a good way to clarify my thoughts. It's useful to keep copies of any useful material that we could or will use for my essay. We have to use different types of literature like books, websites and catalogues so that we have a range of different sources which is something I have to do if I want a higher grade and I need to use different categories of literature like primary literature which is the original insights, secondary literature which analyses the primary literature and tertiary literature which is dictionaries and encylopaedias.

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