Thursday 17 November 2016

Bear Brief Background Research

I decided to start my research by researching the bear website, I felt like it was a good starting point because I get to see what type of company they are and get a feel of it. I hope I can convey it onto a yoyo card.

I noticed that it's very child friendly, there's lots of illustration of different characters throughout the website with lots of colours which makes it seem friendly and playful.

Another thing I noticed was there's a lot of facts about their product and other stuff which is the same with the cards, they like the idea of being educational and to try and fit as much information as they can without being too much, that is something I need to convey on the cards. The emphasis on being healthy is another thing I noticed, they emphasize that their product is natural and 100% fruit with no added stuff. I think that is something I can use to inspire me, teaching kids about being healthy, just like bear.

There's different fun things to do on the website like games and stuff which is a great way to entertain kids and get them involved, that is something I could do, get them to think and be involved in a fun and educational way.

Last thing is, you can talk to the character, bear, which is a great way to get the young viewers involved and get them to ask bear anything, it brings kids closer to bear knowing the fact they can talk to him.

I feel like my cards has to include lots of colours and illustration to get that playful and friendly feel to it and try to include as much information and facts as I can without being too much. One thing I want to do is to try and teach kids to become more healthy, I feel like that's the way forward.

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