Showing posts with label Essay. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Essay. Show all posts

Friday, 24 March 2017

Conclusion and Visual Appendix

24/03/2017 - Seminar

Today's seminar, we were placed in groups and we had to show the group our conclusion and visual appendix so we can get feedback for it.

I showed my team the visual appendix that I have designed which can be seen below. I got a couple of different types of feedback on how I could improve it, for example, the abstract is meant to be one big paragraph and not split up like mine is so I got to change that and also, I don't have to include the title, 'the abstract' on it because it's obvious to what it is.
Other feedback I got was to possibly make my design bigger so it doesn't look like it's an essay, it will look like more of a visual appendix but also, change the design I made at the bottom because it's not very clear to what it's meant to be and it doesn't really explain my essay topic that well. I could use an image I used in my essay and use that to represent my topic but slightly change it a bit.

The feedback I got was useful and will help me improve my visual appendix.

Friday, 10 February 2017

Seminar #12 - The Abstract (b)

Seminar - 10/02/2017

In this session, we had to bring in our abstract to read out so we could get feedback from. Below is my abstract with the feedback I got from it...

Friday, 3 February 2017

Seminar #11 - Methodology and Case Studies

Seminar - 03/02/2017

In this seminar, we looked at case studies and what we have looked at for our research. We had to explain our essay and case studies so we could receive feedback from the group. We were told to have at least 3 case studies so that we have enough to compare the differences and similarities of the case studies. The comparison could be used to see which one is most effective.

I told the group what my essay is about and what my research question is. The feedback I received was useful. I got told that the age range that I am looking for my essay could be slightly broad and I could be more specific because I'm looking at the effects screen based electronic devices have on the social skills of a young viewer, since each age will have a different response and development, it would be wise to narrow the age range.

The next feedback was to look at the positive and negatives of the effects because technology could actually help children with their development, I have been looking mostly at the negative so it would be nice to compare the two. I was told the comparison of the positive and negative could be included in my research question and I could use stats as current guidelines to help me answer the question.

The last feedback was to maybe look at the emotional and physical development of a child because it could affect both of it. I looked mostly at how it affects them emotional so it would be nice to find out how it affects them physical.

Friday, 27 January 2017

Seminar #10 - Methodology and Case Studies

Seminar - 27/01/2017

In this seminar, we were given questions and had to evaluate an article that related to our current project, Hyper realities. The link to it can be seen below..

1) What is the topic of the article?

The article looks at the illusion of mediation and the presence. It looks at how an illusion of mediation experience can be seen and feel real like virtual world and also, it looks at the inverse presence, which is the opposite of presence, it's when something is real but doesn't feel real and we don't want it to be real.

2) What keywords would you use for this article?

The keywords weren't stated in the article but I thought words like illusion, presence, inverse presence, mediation, hyper reality and real could be used as keywords.

3) What is the structure of the article?

I feel like the article is very structured. It follows a pattern, for example, the abstract comes first then the introduction then the literature review etc. It's very easily explained and the abstract tells the viewer what they are going to read, what they will talk about, how they found the info and how they will use it. The introduction follows the same process as the abstract, it tells the reader what the article will discuss and what the reader will expect.

4) In which section/s do the authors explain the background of the topic?

The authors explain the topic in the main body which is the literature review. It outlines the topic and tells the back story of the topic. This is where the definitions and explanation of what you are talking about should be included and provide evidence as well.

5) What are the authors trying to find out/answer?

There is no research question in this article but we can imagine the question. After reading the main body, the authors are trying to find the characteristics of the inverse presence, how it affects us and our emotions which they can then compare and conclude.

Methodology = Approach

The next part, we looked at how I can attempt to answer my research question by looking at the different options and which one I use will depend on my literature review. The two highlighted below are the main ones I should use to attempt to solve my research question.

- Case Studies
- Historical Research
- Interviews
- Visualization
- Reflective Journal
- Oral History

Friday, 9 December 2016

Seminar #9 - The Abstract

09/12/2016 - Seminar

This seminar was about the abstract of the essay. We were given an essay that someone has done and some questions that we had to answer by analyzing the abstract of it. For this week, we only looked at the abstract and not the introduction.

These were the questions and answers that we were given....

- What are the main terms and concepts? - The main terms would be the keywords and since the question are in order then the main concept would be the words from the first line like effective communication and visual recognition, which if you notice are not on the keywords lists but that's alright.

- What background information is provided? - The background information used is to give the reader an idea of the topic and some information to go with it. The background information is on the second line where it starts with "Designers of advertisements have always..." which talks a little about what other designers are doing in relate to this topic.

- What do you think is the research question? - The research question was tricky to find because the author didn't word it as a question, but it's always before the aim of the essay so if you find the aim then the research question must be the line before. The research question is where the line starts with "However many assumptions and questions usually rise on how to create effective hierarchy...", I think what gave it away was he used the word question in it and there are questions that usually rises.

- How do you think the author attempts to answer the question? - I feel like this was quite easy to find because one of the lines, it states "it explores the theory behind it, and how the very...", what gave it away was the word 'explores', it's telling us how he will attempt to answer the question and also, it follows the research question which makes sense.

To begin with, I had to analyze it myself and I found it hard at first because I'm not used to analyzing abstracts, We then went through it as a group where people would shout out the answers and I began to get it, bit by bit, I began to understand it more. I feel this activity has helped me understand how an abstract is set out and also, gave me some useful questions that I can use for myself that will help me answer and to write the abstract. I felt like I needed this seminar because I didn't know how to write an abstract as I am not used to it.

Friday, 25 November 2016

Seminar #7 : Keywords and Literature

Seminar - 25/11/2016

The first part of the seminar was about keywords. Those keywords we have to include in our essay and we were given a strategy of how to develop and think of useful keywords like define my topic so I know clearly what my topic is about, from that, I would pick keywords so I would pull out words that indicate the main concept and also, think of alternative keywords. Finally, choose a database, I can find specific databases in the library.

The next part was about the literature review that will be included in the main body of the essay. Literature review is a critical presentation and discussion of the main sources of my topic. We were given a structure for the literature review as well. I need to outline my topic, give definitions and basic historical framework then present my main ideas, writings and practices, finally, present my research question so what I want to focus on and find out.

We then looked at what the literature review does. It shows my knowledge of the origins, definitions, vocabulary of the topic, it gives an understanding of the main ideas, writings and practices, it shows a variety of approaches and opinions and finally, it shows how my research question fits in.

To show my knowledge and understanding of my main ideas, I need to find the main works of it. I can achieve that by using the keywords to search on database i.e. Library, google scholar etc. I need to use any text, work or item that has an important effect on the development of the field and used in several other disciplines, fields or topics and I need to find any approach or methodology that others have replicated.

W were given some sources and help like to always makes sure we write notes as we read, it's a good way to clarify my thoughts. It's useful to keep copies of any useful material that we could or will use for my essay. We have to use different types of literature like books, websites and catalogues so that we have a range of different sources which is something I have to do if I want a higher grade and I need to use different categories of literature like primary literature which is the original insights, secondary literature which analyses the primary literature and tertiary literature which is dictionaries and encylopaedias.

Saturday, 19 November 2016

Seminar #6 - Essay and Visual Appendix

18/11/2016 - Seminar

In this seminar, we were introduced to the essay and visual appendix that we have to do.

This seminar begin with some key information like the next formative assessment is 27/02/2017 where the essay will be marked and I have to submit 750 words for it then the submission date is 3/04/2017, this is the final submission where I have to submit a 2500 word essay along with a visual appendix which is an A2 poster for a research exhibition, it's basically a visual summary of my essay.

For the visual appendix, I have to include  a 150 word abstract, essay title, name and course. It can't be bigger than 20MB and I have to submit it as a PDF file.

Essay Structure

We were given advice on how the essay should be set out.

- Title
- Abstract and keywords - The abstract has to be 150 words, it should summarise the essay's argument and position. I have to include 5 key words.
- Introduction - It should set the scene for the reader and defines the aims of the essay. It should state how this will be attempted and briefly presets what the reader can expect in the rest of the essay.
- Main body: Literature review, research question and case studies - It should start off broad and then narrow it down by focusing on my research. It should not be just a descriptive text and should critically reflect the information you present.
- Conclusion - Provides a summary of my findings and describe how the work could be continued in the future.
- Reference list and bibliography - Make sure that the references in the reference list match the ones in the main body of the essay.

We looked at what exactly is an essay and an essay could mean an argument because you are making a case or an opinion based on evidence and you choose a subject, include a bit of information to it then critically gather more information to find out an answer to your question and see what is true and what is false based on your case earlier.

The essay is a concise, evidenced thread of thinking. It needs to have clear defined structure, clear narrative and should be well written.