Thursday 27 October 2016

Technology and Education

I decided to look at technology and how it is used in education as there are worries from the parents. I wanted to see if it benefits children or not. Since we live in a world where kids are bound to use technology and will at some point be used in classes more often whether the parents like it or not.

I already came across the first link below earlier but I decided to use it again as it has some information regarding education...

PBS talks about how we are only a click away from any information that we require. The beauty of using technology is that it's quick but easy as well to find information, that is useful if we don't have a lot of time to waste looking through books for answers, we can simply use the web. The only problem is, by using technology more, we may neglect other resources like books and films to find our information, also, using the web for information could be risky as some information could be inaccurate and outdated.

I also used the link below to find information about technology and education..

This link also talks about how we can use the web to find information to help with our education, but also, it looks at how valuable it is to use technology as there are many careers that uses and required technology and knowing how to use it could come to your advantage. Learning how to use it in class could benefit them and they would be able to use it outside the class as well.

Another thing they have looked at which could be useful for students is how you can use technology to be organized. You can save and keep any vital information you have found or any notes that will be written and everything could be placed in files instead of actually keeping physical files which could be annoying to carry on and to organize.

 The last thing is how kids are more used to using screens that they might benefit from reading and learning from a screen instead of books. They might lose their attention more whilst reading something in person than reading something off a screen.

They could use apps like Facebook and Twitter to keep up to date with the news or what is going on with the world which could be useful to know,

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