Thursday 3 November 2016

Presentation Feedback - Formative Assessment

2/11/2016 - Polina

- My title is too broad, I have to narrow it down more, maybe choose between looking at social skills or brain development and choose one and go with that in more detail.

- Reduce my intro. It's too long for the reader to read, pick out key words and use them to write my introduction.

- Reduce the questions in my presentation. It could be confusing for the viewer to know exactly what my main research question is.

- Change my research quesion. I may find it difficult to find answers for it, change it to one that I could find answers easier.

- Include more studies and stats instead of just one or two.

- Place the pros/cons slide after the main research question instead of before it because the slide looks at how it approaches the main research question.

In conclusion, I think overall it went well, I don't feel like I have to make major changes to it which is good and I got some helpful feedback that will help me improve my slides and push it further on.

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