Friday 7 October 2016

Contextual Portfolio - Presentation Seminar #2

07/10/2016 - Seminar

In this seminar, we spoke about the two presentations we will have to do in the future, one is formative and the other is summative.

The formative presentation will include 5-10 slides representing my blog posts with a description of what it is about which I then have to present it and talk about it. I will have about 5 minutes to talk about everything so I have to make sure I don't talk about stuff that aren't relevant so I don't waste time.

The summative presentation is different and not as simple as the formative presentation. It will be like a 'pechakucha' style presentation which we will have about 10 minutes to talk about our presentation.
I will have to include 20 slides with a description of what it is.

How it should be set out....

- 1 slide - Title, URL (blog), Name Surname, Course.
- 1 slide - Introduction - Key themes, what format...
- 5 slides - Background - Past and present ideas, theories and practices.
- 2 slides - Questions and Aims - What do I want to find out and achieve.
- 5 slides - Approach - Theories and practices I have used.
- 5 slides - Results and discussion - What did I learn and accomplished, how it affected me?
- 1 slide - Future work - How do I position myself as a visual creative, what are my future work?

What is PechaKucha?

- PechaKucha is a style of presentation that includes 20 slides and each slide shown for 20 seconds (6 minutes and 40 seconds). It is used to keep the presentation fast-paced and concise. This style would be useful to use.

Some of the things I have to consider is the format, should I do it on Indesign or Powerpoint? or both? Because some computers will not have Indesign but if I create the presentation in both formats, if something goes wrong with one, I could use the other so it is something I have to consider.

This includes some of the things I can do to make my presentation successful...

- Keep it simples - Do not over complicate it.
- Keep it clear - Easy to read.
- Write notes - What am I going to say?
- Calculate time - How much time for each slide
- Tell a story - Makes it interesting.
- Rehearse
- Use a stopwatch - Time myself.

Some of the things I shouldn't do...

- Too much illegible text.
- Complex diagrams (overly) - I want the audience to focus on me,
- Reading from my notes - Have them printed and practice them.

We were shown a video on Youtube which I feel like it sums up what I shouldn't do in a presentation and what the common mistakes that people make when presenting.

Academics Behaving Badly

At 2:48, he shows the 'outline of my presentation' which is something that usually happens in presentations and the fact he is displaying it will help me because I will be more prepared and I will make sure none of the stuff on it will happen to me.

The other points that he touched was don't display complicated diagrams, images or long text because it's very distracting and you want the audience to know what you are saying.

The next part was a little activity we had to do. We had to get into pairs and talk about our idea, the other then had to give back feedback and from that, we had to find ways we have improve it for next week.

First off, the title should be short and straight to the point, it should tell the audience what the slides will be about, key words about my idea should be used to help me.

My idea is too open, I need to narrow it down, I need to ask myself, what do I want to find out?

A good feedback was to focus on 'Autopoiesis' which was one of the key words from our project. I need to focus on that because my idea sounds similar to what Autopoiesis means and it could be a good way to narrow down my idea.

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