Tuesday 25 October 2016

Why do we use technology?


I was researching why we use technology and I came across this PDF above which I thought was helpful. It gave me some examples of why we use technology.

We may use technology because we are one click away from everything, for example, if we wanted to find some piece of information, instead of going to the library and spending ages to find the right book, we can easily just go on the internet and find the information within 2 minutes. I think that's a good and a bad thing. It's good because we save time by finding information very quickly and effectively but it could be bad because we neglect other information resources like books and films and it could makes us lazy as we don't even have to move from our chairs to find the information.

Other examples of using technology is that it's very entertaining. There's always a new video or game that can be played on the internet. It's also a great way to interact with other people to maintain friendships but to create new ones as well, it's great that we can talk to strangers online and become friends but the negative of it is that we don't do it enough in person or we don't interact enough with the people around us like family and friends.

I came across another site that I thought was helpful, this was more of a question and an answer type where anyone can give their own opinion to it so it was interesting to see what people thought of this matter.


The question was "why do we need technology?", this was different to my question but equally imprtant because I wanted to know why we needed technology to give me an idea of why we use technology.

The part that caught my attention was that technology can provide a safe and comfort environment for human beings, I think this opinion is true in some ways and I can give my own opinion to it because there are people who do feel safe when using technology, for example, talking to people because they are behind a screen and not face to face so they feel more comfortable in saying stuff, another example is those people who may not have a lot of friends so they use technology as a way to replace that because they can get lost in the technology world and forget about their worries for a while.

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