Saturday 12 November 2016

Seminar (5) - Assessment Feedback

11/11/2016 - Seminar

This was the first seminar after our formative assessment and this session was all about feedback.

At the start of the seminar, we had to evaluate ourselves and write down what we thought we did good in our presentation and what we thought we did bad and had to improve. For the good part, I felt like I made my presentation simple so not over complicated and easy to follow which is vital in presentations because the viewer has to understand what is going on. For the bad part, I felt like my title was too broad which made my research question too open as well, that is something I have to improve, I need to narrow my title down which will then help me improve my research question.

The next part was about some of the general points, good and bad, that Polina saw in assessment. It's a good thing they were pointed out so I know which one relates to me and from that, I can improve on it.

General Strong Points

- Presentation design - Coherent to assessment guidelines.

- Topic/Subject - Very interesting.

- Aural description - Good management of presentation time.


- Presentation design - Less or better use of text, that can be improved by changing the text size, font or even the colour of the text to highlight something.
- Images/text close to edges - They need to be moved.

- Topic/Subject - Too broad, needs to be narrowed down.

- Title - Should summarise your topic, it should be easy to understand and it should explain the topic and give the content of it.

- Research Question - Needs to be phrased as a question.
- Should be as focused as possible, should be narrowed which will make our lives easier and it should reflect the title.

- Aural description - More practice and rehearsals.

- Language - Correct English grammar.

- Reference/Bibliography - Always include at the end and should be listed separately.

- Submission - Should be submitted on time.

- Attendance - Attending will help to improve performance and grade.

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