Friday 14 October 2016

The Research Question - Seminar #3

14/10/2016 - Seminar

In this week's seminar, our focus was to come up with questions that I will use to help me with my research and my presentation. I think it would be useful to keep in mind the why, what and how questions.

Having a question is important because it will summarise everything I am doing and what I will talk about, it's the spinal core of the research so I can start to research about it and it will be a guide for me if I ever get stuck.

To come up with a question, I will need a research subject so what I'm going to do and a research title, shorter version of my research subject, usually created by taking out key words from the subject and finding a way to combine them together, from there, a background and literature review will be conducted and finally, I have to come up with different research questions that I have to explore to help me narrow down my subject.

Generating research questions is important because it talks about my research subject, reveals how I will investigate my research subject by using different approaches like why, how etc. It narrows down my investigation and by narrowing it down, it will help me give me a clear idea what I'm doing because at the moment, my subject is quite open.

My research subject

I want to explore how technology has affected us but mostly, how devices affects the development and growth of a young person.

My research title

The effects devices have on young viewers, what does the future hold for them?

This research title is just a work in progress, I feel like this title is too open or too long. I will be changing it as I get more into it.

For the final part, we got into pairs and we had to discuss our subject and from there, the other person had to give us useful research questions that I can look at to help me. I still have to come up with a title and I hope the questions that I will explore will help me come up with an effective title.

The questions/research I can look at that my partner recommended were....
- Most used technology device?
- Age groups? I could look at how young the viewers are then connect it to what devices thy use the most.
- How am I going to convey this? What is my purpose, am I trying to create awareness, if so, how will I convey it?
- The dangers of it - Social skills, education.
- Different aspects of technology/devices - Social media, gaming etc.

I received useful advice from my partner because the questions/research that I got given were very diverse so I can look at them all and help me decide what I'm interested in and what to take out but also, I can create connection between them.

By doing this activity, it has helped me because now I have an idea of where to start researching and what to research.

I think I will try and explore every advice I was given and document them on my blog.

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