Friday 21 October 2016

Assessment Preparation (1a) - Seminar #4

Seminar - 21/10/2016

This seminar was revisiting some of the things that has been said in the previous seminars. I think this seminar has helped me because I was still unsure of what I was doing but now I have an idea of what to do and how to set out my presentation after getting feedback.

I have a formative assessment soon and it will be a 5 minute presentation which I will set it out like this and in this particular order...

1 slide - Title, URL, name and course.
2-7 - Background research
1 slide - Main research question
1 slide - Reference and bibliography

We had to bring in our draft presentation that we produced to get feedback from. This is what I have produced so far...

The feedback I got was useful. My title is too broad, I could narrow it more and explain what I mean by effects because it could mean culture wise or social wise and I need to find a better way to explain 'technology devices' as it could be anything like past devices or present, I could change it to contemporary devices which I feel is a better explanation.

I got told to look at people relating to this subject like Marshall McLuhan, I should look at including images to my presentation but avoid including video, I should include any definitions, have specific terminologies and case studies like age groups so that I have a range of different research and knowledge to my presentation. It would make my presentation interesting instead of having just text of what I'm looking at and what I'm going to say.

Another piece of advice to maybe get rid of the 'aim' slide just for now because it's not that important for my formative assessment. I could keep the 'research/questions' slide but maybe change it slightly because I should only have one slide for the main research question, having lots of research questions could confuse the viewer.

I could look at pre-internet and maybe compare it to how it is now, this could emphasize my message of the effects technology has on young viewers but focus more on the dangers of it because that's what I feel the audience wants to know more than anything.

I feel like this seminar has helped me give an understanding of what I should do for my formative assessment. I have a clear idea of how to set out my presentation and what to include.

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