Friday, 9 December 2016

Seminar #9 - The Abstract

09/12/2016 - Seminar

This seminar was about the abstract of the essay. We were given an essay that someone has done and some questions that we had to answer by analyzing the abstract of it. For this week, we only looked at the abstract and not the introduction.

These were the questions and answers that we were given....

- What are the main terms and concepts? - The main terms would be the keywords and since the question are in order then the main concept would be the words from the first line like effective communication and visual recognition, which if you notice are not on the keywords lists but that's alright.

- What background information is provided? - The background information used is to give the reader an idea of the topic and some information to go with it. The background information is on the second line where it starts with "Designers of advertisements have always..." which talks a little about what other designers are doing in relate to this topic.

- What do you think is the research question? - The research question was tricky to find because the author didn't word it as a question, but it's always before the aim of the essay so if you find the aim then the research question must be the line before. The research question is where the line starts with "However many assumptions and questions usually rise on how to create effective hierarchy...", I think what gave it away was he used the word question in it and there are questions that usually rises.

- How do you think the author attempts to answer the question? - I feel like this was quite easy to find because one of the lines, it states "it explores the theory behind it, and how the very...", what gave it away was the word 'explores', it's telling us how he will attempt to answer the question and also, it follows the research question which makes sense.

To begin with, I had to analyze it myself and I found it hard at first because I'm not used to analyzing abstracts, We then went through it as a group where people would shout out the answers and I began to get it, bit by bit, I began to understand it more. I feel this activity has helped me understand how an abstract is set out and also, gave me some useful questions that I can use for myself that will help me answer and to write the abstract. I felt like I needed this seminar because I didn't know how to write an abstract as I am not used to it.

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