Friday, 27 January 2017

Seminar #10 - Methodology and Case Studies

Seminar - 27/01/2017

In this seminar, we were given questions and had to evaluate an article that related to our current project, Hyper realities. The link to it can be seen below..

1) What is the topic of the article?

The article looks at the illusion of mediation and the presence. It looks at how an illusion of mediation experience can be seen and feel real like virtual world and also, it looks at the inverse presence, which is the opposite of presence, it's when something is real but doesn't feel real and we don't want it to be real.

2) What keywords would you use for this article?

The keywords weren't stated in the article but I thought words like illusion, presence, inverse presence, mediation, hyper reality and real could be used as keywords.

3) What is the structure of the article?

I feel like the article is very structured. It follows a pattern, for example, the abstract comes first then the introduction then the literature review etc. It's very easily explained and the abstract tells the viewer what they are going to read, what they will talk about, how they found the info and how they will use it. The introduction follows the same process as the abstract, it tells the reader what the article will discuss and what the reader will expect.

4) In which section/s do the authors explain the background of the topic?

The authors explain the topic in the main body which is the literature review. It outlines the topic and tells the back story of the topic. This is where the definitions and explanation of what you are talking about should be included and provide evidence as well.

5) What are the authors trying to find out/answer?

There is no research question in this article but we can imagine the question. After reading the main body, the authors are trying to find the characteristics of the inverse presence, how it affects us and our emotions which they can then compare and conclude.

Methodology = Approach

The next part, we looked at how I can attempt to answer my research question by looking at the different options and which one I use will depend on my literature review. The two highlighted below are the main ones I should use to attempt to solve my research question.

- Case Studies
- Historical Research
- Interviews
- Visualization
- Reflective Journal
- Oral History

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