Sunday 16 April 2017

Hyperrealitites - Meme Newspaper #2

This story was in the Daily Mail. It's a story about too many young people are getting sexually transmitted infections, due to a lack of education about sex and relationships in schools. According to the figures, there were about 78,000 STI diagnoses among 15 to 19 years old in England in 2015 and roughly about 141,000 people between 20-24 years old.The sex education could become mandatory but, parents can retain the rights to withdraw their child from classes.

I picked this story because it's something that I see a lot in my generation, too many people are getting pregnant or get sexually transmitted diseases because they weren't too careful, maybe due to a lack of sex education.

Below is my response to this story. I picked the 'Bad Luck Brian' meme because I thought of the phrase, 'Takes one sex education class... Gets pregnant.' which made me think of 'Bad Luck Brian', to add that touch of further humour, I turned the meme into a sperm swimming towards the egg, which is represented by the white circle in the corner of the poster. I feel like everything goes well together so it's obvious of what it is supposed to represent, I feel like the viewer won't have a problem understanding it. The text is spread out to give it that pause in the middle and that build up which is always conveyed in the 'Bad Luck Brian' memes so I decided to replicate that.

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