Tuesday 1 November 2016

Cybernetic Self / Process and Production feedback - Formative Assessment

31/10/2016 - Sara

Cybernetic Self

- Design the poster of the challenge/prize that will be placed at the back of the final product.

- Publish/print one of the zines I created to make it look neat and professional.

- Out of the two narrative zines, the 'interaction' story was most liked, use that as my go to narrative.

- Maybe create more narrative like a zine?

- The size of the zine was appreciated - better than having it big because it's easy to hold and can be placed in pockets easier.

- The hand drawn narratives was liked more than the digital version of it.

- Create/re-design a better version of the current phone prototype.

Process and Production

- Make the thumbnails of my designs bigger. I want the viewers to take notice of my work.

- Make more references in my spare time by looking at what other designers are doing and link it to what I'm doing in process and production.

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