Sunday 23 October 2016

Final Design #2

These are images of the prototype that I have created by hand. I'm showing the front and back of it, as well as the inside and what it looks like with the story strip inside it.

This is just a prototype that I am presenting as an example, it's not the final product which is why it is not in great condition, I still think there's alot of work that can go into it.

This was created out of  480 gsm paper because I wanted something strong that didn't bend easily when I was making it and doesn't lose its shape when holding it.

The size of it was inspired by my own phone, Sony Xperia M4, only because it was the only physical phone I had on me that I could draw around.

The back of the product can be taken off, the reason behind that is the story strip can be placed inside the product easier and better than if the back was attached.

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