Saturday 8 October 2016

Cybernetic Self - Week two

Lecture - 4/10/2016

What is social media? 

 In a way, we are social media because we use Twitter and Facebook to communicate through the network, how we become one and take information to pass it on therefore internet is people.

This video looks at the aspects of internet and how it has changed the way we are. There's one part that talks about internet and culture and in a way, the internet is a culture because we are different people expressing ourselves from all over the world but we become one because of the use of the internet.

The internet is a canvas that we create our life on it and we use it for different aspects of our lives, we use it to be heard, for education and use the tools to create stuff.


The word scenius is like genius but it conveys the creativity that 'scenes' can create. It stands for the intelligence and the intuition that a cultural scene has.


He talks about how Cybernetic is about having a goal and it is steered towards that goal but there's times where it will be steered away to a different direction but it's so intelligent that it will eventually reach that goal even if it's gone to a different direction by using feedback, it takes in the information and looks at how it can solve the problem and reach that goal.

Cybernetics comes from the Greek meaning 'the art of steering' which makes what Paul Pangaro is saying make sense. It's the science of control and communication in humans and machine.

Examples of work

Mary Ponomareva - Semantic Space

This designer looked at signs, symbols and meaning. This project was about semiotics that took place in a multicultural Chinatown that had restaurants and places from different nations and cultures like China, Thailand, Arabic, Korea etc all on one street. 

What she did, I think, is combining different cultures together to create a new culture since all of them are on the same street, they share many things in common.

She overloaded images and symbols together to create these bizarre designs which can't be fully understood but by combing them together, it creates a new identity.

Identity was what I was looking for because I have looked at identity for my project and how people create new ones online but this piece made me think how everyone online are from different cultures and backgrounds but when they are online, they create their new own culture and they all come together as one.

Aisha Madu - Anti Social Man

Anti Social Man from Aisha Madu on Vimeo.

I like this one because I have a similar idea to this so this is something I could use to inspire me. The short video looks at how technology has affected the way we live, how we spend our time and how we became less social because we rather spend more time on our phones than talking to someone, which is why Aisha Madu has this created this character as a way to make people aware of this matter and try to connect more as a group.

I feel like this video is effective because it speaks to us, we all can relate to some or even all of the stories happening in this video because it has happened to us or we are that person on our phones. I also like the little sayings after each story like 'Don't text em, sit next to em!', it's like the video is ordering people to talk more.

One of my ideas is to look at how technology has affected the way we live and to look at the different aspects of life like relationships, education, interaction etc and to maybe compare it to what was like before internet came along.

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