Sunday 9 October 2016

Cybernetic self Research #2

For one of my ideas I had in mind was beauty and technology, how people use Photoshop, Snapchat etc to look better than they are in real life, makes me feel like we're letting technology define how we look which also relates to identity.

For my research, I started looking at these series of posters, one is shown below, where the creator, Anna Hill, has created these mock ads about how all you need is Photoshop to look better, it will give you the perfect skin or it will give you a nose job and it is advertised like it's a beauty product like a cream which is quite clever.

I looked at this because it gave me the idea of creating something similar, advertise Photoshop but in a bad way like a campaign, I want to do it in a way where it's saying that Photoshop can make you look bad aswell since we only see the good side of it and how it makes us look good.

I cam across the Dove advert, shown below, which I thought was brilliant. I like the idea behind it like how others see you is different to how you view yourself, you might think you look bad but others might like the way you look, it got me thinking, there are probably people out there who create different identities online because they don't like the way they look but if they feel better about themselves in person, would that change anything? Would they become more honest to who they are online? This is something I could explore.

What I like about this video is even though I don't know the people in it, I can't help but smile at the end, when they see what others think of them, it gives it that feeling that you want that aswell, that's the kind of strong feeling I want to convey.

The Dove advert got me thinking about the external and internal beauty of someone which made me think of the film, Shallow Hal, it's how this one guy sees women for the way they are inside (personality) rather than their looks. I could use this idea of internal beauty and combine it with my project, e.g. if you could see what your personality looks like if it were a person, would you feel better about yourself? Could that be one of your identities online?

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