Sunday 9 October 2016

Cybernetic self Research #3

This is another of my ideas, how some of us become so addicted to technology without knowing or how much we depend on technology, e.g. I challenge anyone to go a day without technology. We think we control technology but instead, they are controlling us.

To get an idea of how technology does affect us and what happens to us if we become addicted to it, I have gone on the internet to look at some articles relating to it, I have found one from The Telegraph, link below, it talks about how they did a study between people who are 'addicted' to technology and people who are addicted to drugs, what they found was that the withdrawal symptoms experienced by people without technology is similar to those felt by drug addicts. Four in five people had mental and physical distress, panic and confusion without a day of technology.

The other piece of research I looked at is by Paul Sheriff, he created these types of posters to create awareness of what technology can do to someone of a young age and the effects of becoming addicted by combining it with serious addictions like gambling and drinking.

I think these posters work because by combining it with serious addictions, it emphasizes how harmful being addicted to technology is or can be, to top it off, he adds a little fact about the dangers of it aswell so people are more aware of what it does to you. I think it's very educational.

These posters have more imagery than text because I think the image itself tells the story and the text just helps it because we absorb images/designs better than text. I think these types of posters we absorb the information immediately because it takes us less than 30 seconds to analyze the whole poster since there's so little on it, that's good because our attention span has decreased because of technology so it makes these posters effective.

This is something I could do, create awareness of the dangers of technology by creating posters and combining it with different addictions but also, look at the different ways it effects us in a bad way, how technology changes us when we spend too much on it. Does it change our personality? Does it change the way we look?

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