Sunday 9 October 2016

Cybernetic self Experiment #1

This was inspired by one of my ideas, how technology affects us, this one specifically looks at how it affects our mentality, the way we think.

The design idea behind this is basically when we are on the internet, we feel like we can become anyone and can achieve anything because of the power we posses online but when it comes to real life, that mentality kind of disappears because we don't have as much power as we do when we use technology.

This design is trying to convey that message of you can achieve anything you want in person to boost their confidence and motivate them because sometimes that's what they lack. I used career as an example to convey this message because I had teenagers in mind when I came up with this because of how much they use technology and how they are at that stage of their life where they have to choose a path which is very important to tell them that they can achieve anything and to boost their confidence.

To convey this message, I used a main character in a shape of a screw and underneath are different careers that they can get into and each is different so I'm not focused on one group of people, each person will have different personality which I have to keep in mind, some of more smarter than others and some are more creative than others.

The head is a screw and it can screw into the three careers with no problem because it's the idea of you can do anything you want and the idea of you can change your life if you're not happy in one career, you can screw into another one, it's that idea of power and being able to change and control your life in the same way as you can online. Don't let technology tell you what you can or can't do.

The whole poster is basically designs instead of text because from my research, I have learned that's more effective, people will absorb the design in more than text because it's easier.

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