Tuesday 4 October 2016

Cybernetic self Research #1


Ajit Johnson (above) looks at how we evolved with the use of technology and how we altered the way we think and act because of it. It talks about how we may use the internet because we feel comfortable with the virtual world and how it makes us a better person because we are so engaged with it but it shows how it has affected us in a bad way, e.g, the image above on the left, we as a generation spend more time on whatsapp than reading a book where as, in the past, books were used more.

He has created these posters as a way to mock our priorities by pointing out how this generation behaves and lives which he did it in a funny way. These posters work so well because it relates to us, they are simple and little information was used but effective because the imagery tells the whole story.

This was produced by Art'oholic.These series of posters is similar to the first one but this one actually shows how technology has changed the world by displaying the before and after, how everything has changed. This has the same style as the posters above like minimal, more imagery than text but it works because nowadays we absorb information more with images than text which is something I need to think about if I'm creating a poster like this. I like how it lacks lots of text and it has lots of negative space so all of the focus is on the focal point of the poster which is the before and after part.

What I can do with this idea is to create something similar to this, I could display the world how technology has altered this generation but I could relate it to me as a way to represent myself so how technology has changed, helped but also affected me in a bad way. The difference between my designs and the posters above will be probably that I will show the good side of technology aswell as the bad so I'm not biased but also because technology has helped me in certain aspects of my life like education.

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