Wednesday 5 October 2016

Cybernetic Self Project Idea Feedback

4/10/2016 - Tracy

In this week's group, it was all about ideas and talking about where we are up to with them and to explain what they were in order to get feedback.

We all placed our A4 piece of paper with images of our ideas on the wall so that we could talk about it and get feedback but also see what others have thought of.

There were some interesting ideas that other people had, there was one involving identity and persona which Tracy had some interesting points relating to it like do we change the way we are to please others? It was a question I did not think about but relates to one of my ideas that involved identity, I think we do change the way we are at times to please others and with the power of technology, we can because it is the easy route but to what extent do we change?

It came to my turn to talk about my ideas and Tracy pointed out that with the posters below I have looked at, I could create a little narrative to create a story that people can relate to and follow which could be a still piece like a series of posters or a short animation. This was an idea I will think about. People tend to become more attached to an advert or poster if it's set out as a story.

For the other images I had on my A4 piece of paper which is shown below, the idea is how we let technology define how we look online which makes us feel bad about ourselves in person and I could use that information by using technology to make us look bad to make us feel good about ourselves and I think Tracy replied with something that pretty much summed up this idea in a way that I think is the perfect description, I'm trying to turn a positive into a negative to make it into a positive, at first it doesn't make sense but if you apply to my idea, it does.

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