Tuesday 4 October 2016

Cybernetic Self Project Update Idea #3

Idea 3

This idea is about technology and the future. Studies show that we as human beings will become hybrids by 2030 with the introduction of various devices that will make us better like more intelligent. This makes me think that we are slowly turning into robots, how we are becoming one like when a human is inside a car, the human and machine become one.

It’s the idea of how we think we are in charge of technology and how we can manipulate it but in reality, technology is slowly becoming the boss of us, simply the fact that we depend on technology.

What I can do
  • ·         Poster advertising the futuristic products – Humans becoming robots. What would humans look like if they were hybrids?

  • ·         Futuristic Posters
  • ·         Apple posters (How they advertise their products) – Minimal, Technology, Futuristic, Simple but effective
  • ·         Robot Movies
  • ·         What makes us human? Difference between humans and robots

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