Sunday 2 October 2016

Cybernetic Self Project Update Idea #1

Network Self/Ego

Idea 1

This idea involves beauty and technology and how we use technology to make ourselves and others look better by using software like Photoshop or apps like snapchat. I want to look at how it affects us and how our ego changes but also how it affects the viewer’s confidence when they look at these ‘fake’ models.

In a way, we’re letting technology represent/define how we look, is it possible that we will dislike the way we look more and more when compared to how good we can look using technology?

When it comes to ego, the better you look online, the more likes you get and the more your ego increases but when it comes to reality, all that ego disappears because you won’t get as much likes or compliments in person as you do online.

What I can do
  • ·         I can create a campaign in which I can show people they don’t need technology to look or feel good about themselves or I can show people that technology can be used to make people look less attractive as well, it can work both ways.
  • ·         The more likes a person gets online, the more they feel good about themselves but what if that feeling gets transferred into reality, where people actually get a chance to compliment you in person instead of behind a screen, it would have more meaning?.Campaign???
  • ·         Inner self (personality) e.g the film ‘shallow hal’ – how people should view how you are from your personality and not your looks but what if you actually get to see what your personality looks like if it were a person (drawing), would it boost your confidence?

  • ·         Dove advert
  • ·         L’oreal app – Make up genius
  • ·         Instagram
  • ·         Beauty adverts – Gilette Venus, Dove etc
  • ·         Psychology behind beauty
  • ·         Shallow Hal – The psychology behind it
  • ·         Inner Self

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