Friday 30 September 2016

Introduction - Seminar #1

Seminar - 30/09/2016

There was a question in this seminar that interested me. 'What are your expectations for this year?', this interested me because I haven't really thought about it but now that I am, I want to come away with at least 2:1 this year, that is my target but not only that, I want to find a decent placement place that will help me with the design industry and help me become a better designer.

The seminar moved onto 'research', what is research? Well, it's a study or investigation of sources in order to collect facts and create new conclusions.We were given key words like what, why and how to help us with our research and by answering those questions when researching, it will give it a purpose.
- What - the theme like what is the subject. What do I want to create and investigate? What is my purpose?
- Why - Context so Why am I researching this subject? How does it relate to my subject?
- How? - Approach so how will I approach what I just researched and define what is important and relevant. What tools, media or method will I use?
- What - What is my conclusion? What have I found? What did I learn?

I like how from these four words, many questions can be thought of and how it can direct you to a certain path. I learned to think as many questions as I can and by doing that, it will help me and make my subject become clear.


We were given a task. We were given a subject matter and from that, we had to answer some questions relating to that subject.

- What is the theme/subject of the project? (What?) - Humanity. How people's voices should be heard who are often ignored and neglected by mainstream media.

- How does it relate to the client's needs and aims? (Why?) - It's how we take things for granted so it captures the stories of real people so it shows people the struggles of different people around the world.

- How did the designers approach the assignment? (How?) - By capturing stories of real people so things like what happened to them and what they are doing about it.

- What was the final result and achievement? (What?) - To display it to the world and give people a voice.

For the next part, I will choose a subject of my own and think of questions to answer so I can investigate the subject.

I decided to choose a subject that relates to my project so that it will help me question my project and find a path that I could go to that is most suitable for me.

Subject - Sociomaterial - This was one of the key words I was given for this project.


- What is the theme/subject? - Sociomaterial
- What does it mean? - It is how people interact with technology, how technology affects us in different ways and the idea of not imagining a society/world without technology.
- What do I want to investigate? - I want to know what I can do with this word, how it relates to technology, how we interact and the effects of it on us.


- Why do I want to investigate this word? - I want to investigate this subject because it relates to my project.
- Why are you choosing this subject? - It's a new word for me so I am fascinated to find the different stories and facts behind it to give me a clear idea of how it will help me.


- How will I approach it? - I will look at books relating to it, I will look at articles, I will look at websites etc.


What will my conclusion be? - I want to have a clear idea of what sociomaterial is and how I can combine it with my ideas. I know once I find out, it will help me decide what ideas I will develop and refine.

This seminar got me thinking of the different questions I got to ask myself when researching, at the moment, I'm kind of stuck when it comes to thinking of questions but I know once I keep doing it, I will get the hang of it and I will think of more and useful questions.

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