Monday 3 October 2016

Cybernetic Self Project Update Idea #2

Idea 2

This idea involves technology and emotion. How technology can affect the way we behave and how we can become addicted to it but what affects does it exactly have on us?

A study can be conducted of the different effects it has on us when we spend too much on it or if we go a without it, what would happen? How we become someone we’re not in terms of personality and how we react e.g agitated, annoyed etc. Could be like an addiction study? I could relate it to serious addictions.

Talking about effects, the age of people that starts using technology is getting younger which will have an effect on them as they get older, if only there’s a way to try and get the age number to increase than decrease?

The way we interact and talk has changed since pre-internet but how did it affect the different aspects of our lives like relationship, education and interaction. This would be interesting to see

What I can do
  • ·         Addiction study – Keep a diary? – Treat it like a real addiction/problem.
  • ·         Portray the emotion as a selfie/portrait. Before and after using technology.
  • ·         Aware Campaign – Could advertise toys more in a way that makes them more appealing than using technology, re-invent the classic toys/games. Show this generation that you don’t need technology to have fun. Maybe a fun comic strip of toys vs technology?
  • Aware Campaign - Awareness of how serious and harmful technology addiction is and can be.

  • ·         Francis Bacon – distorted faces – powerful feeling and reaction – emotion and colours.
  • ·         Posters of addictions/problems – Gambling, drinking etc – How they effectively convey the message.
  • ·         Different types of addiction – relate it to technology addiction – similarities.
  • ·         Toy posters – How they got me into toys and games.

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