Tuesday 11 October 2016

Cybernetic Self Feedback

11/10/2016 - Studio Groups

In this week's group, we had to display to everyone what designs, sketches, experiments we had done so far as we are in that stage of our process.

For my work, I mostly spoke about my narrative idea and how technology has affected the way we live which I created a series of stories. Tracy's feedback to that was useful because she pointed out that I created an awareness of a problem but what exactly am I doing? What am I trying to do with it? These are some of the questions I need to answer to development my project further.

I thought to myself, I created a campaign but what's my point? What is my next step? I want everyone to be aware of how technology is controlling us, how it affects the different aspects of our lives. My next step would be maybe to look into the future and how we will be like if we continue to use it at the rate we are, what does the future hold for us? The beauty of this is that, none of us know how it will be like so I can create any scenario I wanted and make it as creative as I want but at the same time, not underlying the message.

The next idea I came up with was, I could create a series of past, present and future of technology and see the evolution of it but also, have abit of something for everyone as different people of different generations can relate like pre-internet people and post internet. Instead of creating it one after the other, I thought of displaying it at the same time, create three zines so one past, one present and one future with same characters, same scenario but different story and you would have to read it at the same time, so three different zines read at the same time if that makes sense, just to emphasize the evolution.

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