Wednesday 12 October 2016

Cybernetic self - Week 3

11/10/2016 - Lecture

Rafa Alvarez - Distance

This was for a German article to celebrate skype's anniversary and their impact on relationship. This image could relate to those who get involved with a person without actually meeting them in person, how we only show the other person only what we want them to see and not the whole picture, incase they leave you for who you are.

I believe the middle part is pink to represent the feminine, that's where the room is tidy and has stuff like a teddy bear, the blue part is her masculine side where everything is dirty and messy. She could be embarrassed to show it because in society, we are taught to act our gender and society will make fun of us if we try to act like the opposite gender.

Next, we were shown a piece of work that KesselsKramer worked on for the Hans Brinker Budget Hotel which I thought was brilliant.

Who are KesselsKramer? 
- Kesse;sKramer was established in 1996. They are an independent agency in Amsterdam, London and Los Angeles with 50 people of 10 different nationalities.

The Hans Brinker Budget Hotel weren't doing so well so what they did was, they contacted KesselsKramer to help them find a way to get more people to check in, to makes things worse, the hotel standard was very low, how do you advertise a low standard hotel? Easy, play to your strengths, what KessesKraner did was they advertised it in a way that told people, this is what you will get (basically nothing) and showed people how bad the hotel is, they were as honest as they could have been. It was that bad, that it was good in a way.

Below is some of the examples of their work...

This advertisement was shown for a reason, which made it successful was the internet because it spread the news all over the world, it's such a powerful tool and since we're doing a Cybernetic Self project, we too can use the internet as a tool to spread our project but not only that, we can use it to spread our work to attract clients and show it to people who we want to work for like companies. This is some of the ways we can use the internet.

The next person we looked at was Anna Ahnborg. Her work looks at how perception is used online like how something is said or seen, how we use the internet or filters to change what we say, she achieved that by distorting and changing the words in a way that she's asking the viewer, "can you read it?"

The next person was someone I could relate to more called Joan Cornella. His video piece called 'Instaboobs', looks at how we're not always who we show on the internet and how people will go to some extremes by tricking people into getting likes because to them, likes are so important but he did it in a narrative type way which is something I am doing at the moment. This piece shows the dangers of the internet and he likes to look at the unnatural connection between human beings and social media. He's conveying a story and stating a message, I want to do that aswell.

His designs are simple, there's not much detail and it's mostly just bold colours with no shading or whatsoever. The facial expressions on the people is what I think works because it makes the viewer smile or chuckle because it's a weird look but it interests the viewer and makes them carry on watching because it has humor in it.
For my story to work, I need something that gets the viewer carry on reading or watching and I think a slight of humor in it would work, just like how Joan Cornella's work did.

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