Thursday 20 April 2017

Hyperrealitites - Meme Newspaper #4

Britain will keep 19,000 EU rules and regulations after Brexit.
Theresa May has started the process of leaving Europe by triggering Article 50.
Even though Britain are in the process of leaving the EU, they will still keep 19,000 EU rules and regulations because as a nation, there isn't enough time or expertise to start their own agencies from scratch before they exit in 2019.
Which makes you think, was it worth it? even though, if Britain won't change that much rules and regulations, what difference did it make?

For this one, I thought of the Will Ferrell meme because I thought, leaving Europe there would be changes but if UK are keeping 19,000 EU rules then nothing has changed, which is why I went with the 'in other news, the sky is blue' caption because everything seems the same. 

The drawing idea came from this exhibition called The Herald Sun, where people would draw dicks in newspapers and that gave me an idea to draw stuff on the news to make it more fun and interesting to look at. Below is what I mean.

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