Friday 7 April 2017

Hyperrealities: The Next Step

After experimenting with various ideas that I came up with, I felt like I was steered more towards the meme newspaper idea because first of all, being a Millennial myself, I felt like it is important for our generation to be more involved with the news and what is going on in the world, second of all, I liked the idea of creating different memes because I feel like I wouldn't be restricted to what I make, I can be as creative as possible which is how I want to work. My idea is to make the meme visually appealing to attract the viewer's attention, and since my viewers are Millennials, it has to be something modern and cool.

The next step would be experimenting with this idea further by creating more memes from stories that I find from the newspaper and on the web. I will start by further developing the Eddie Murphy meme and see what I come up with.

With this idea, obviously, I want to go further that just creating a newspaper, I am thinking of possibly creating an app or a website to go with it, since everything is online or on the phone, I feel like I need to use that to my advantage, to get the viewer's attention.

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