Sunday 19 March 2017

Cinema 4D Session #3 Developed

I decided to develop one of the products that I have created in the previous Cinema 4D session. I chose to do the can than the bottle and box because I felt like I could do more with it.

I wanted to create a fake brand so I had something to work with so I decided to create a penguin logo because I like them. I decided to create a scene/background to go with it. I used colours that complimented with each other, so mostly blue but with different tones and shades.

I tried to include a slogan and nutrition facts to make it look realistic. I thought of a funny slogan to go with the cool, laid back penguin logo, but in the end, after experimenting with it, I thought the label looked better without any writing so I decided to go without the writing.

I had a little problem when I uploaded it on Cinema 4D, I noticed it didn't look right when it was wrapped around the can, the end parts didn't really connect and the logo didn't look that great to the side so I moved it to the middle and I changed the end parts slightly.

This is what the final image looks like...

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