Friday 11 November 2016

Self Publishing - Posters

09/11/2016 - Process and Production - Nick Deakin

In this session, our aim was to produce 2/3 posters with the different contents that we were given and only use the materials and typography that were available to us.

The posters had to be eye-catching and informative. I have to think about the tone of voice, the visual impact through typography and most of all, keeping it simple.

Below were the content given to us.


- Trump elected president.
- I actually don't have a bad hairline.
- Brexit plus plus plus.
- When I think I'm right, nothing bothers me.
- Make America great again.

The first content chosen by me was 'Trump elected president'.

The idea behind this design is that there are many American people who didn't want Trump to win and wished the election didn't happen so I went this idea.

First thing I did was to create Trump's face as an emoji out of letters because I could only use letters, I wasn't allowed to draw it myself. The reason I did an emoji because it's popular at the moment, lots of people are using emojis, it was a way to connect with the viewer and kind of give an important matter a funny side to it, as a way to say lighten up abit.

I placed the word 'Trump' underneath in case the viewer didn't know who the emoji is meant to be. I used the Serif typography because it's a mature type, the kind of typography used to state a statement which is what the content is doing but also, I think it contrasts well with the funny emoji so mixing mature with immature.

The second part is where the idea of people wishing the election never happened comes into this. As you can see, the words 'elected and president' are jumbled up which makes it very hard to read but at the same time, still able to read otherwise it wouldn't make sense. I did that because it's supposed to represent a pile of rubbish which is what some people thought of this election but also, the idea of throwing the content away like it never happened.

I placed it at the bottom because I wanted to give the emoji and the word 'Trump' some white space, that is because the top part is the main focal point.

I used different typography for the words 'elected president' because I felt like if I did both of them in the same type, it would have been hard to read what it said and hard to recognise that it's two words jumbled up and not just one.

The second content I chose was 'Brexit Plus Plus Plus'.

The idea behind this design is that I would spell the word 'Brexit' as a plus sign and photocopy it twice so I would have three sheets of paper with 'Brexit' as a plus sign to represent the 'Plus Plus Plus' part. 

The only problem with this design is that it looks like a Christian cross which people could interpret as a religious thing and take it the wrong way, that is not what I want to convey. This poster was just an idea which I will not develop further.

The next design is still the same content but I decided to have fun with this one, as a laugh.

I included the word 'Brexit' and turned the 'x' into a power of 3 to represent the 'Plus Plus Plus'.

The fun part is I tried to turn the word 'Brexit' into 'T-Rex', that was my aim. I did that by using arrows so the 'B' has an arrow that is going down, that's how I get rid of the 'B'. The 'T' has an arrow that goes to the start of the word and the 'I' has an arrow that goes just before where the 'T' will be and it says '90' degrees at the bottom, meaning the 'I' will turn 90 degrees clockwise to represent the '-' in 'T-Rex' and if you follow the arrows and the instructions, you will end up spelling 'T-Rex'. It doesn't have a meaning behind it, I just did it for fun.

Below is an image of the wall where everybody including myself placed our photocopied copies of our work. It was a great way to display my work but it was interesting to see what other people have produced. Mine was placed at the bottom on the right.

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