Sunday 6 November 2016

Cybernetic Self - Formative Assessment Response #1

This is my responses to my one of the feedbacks I received from my formative assessment which was to design the poster of the prize/challenge that will be placed at the back of the final product.

My target audience is 5-10 years old so the tone I wanted to convey was playful and friendly.I thought of achieving that by creating a happy character with a common name, something that the young viewer can connect with.

I tried to make the character appropriate enough for 5-10 year olds and not too childish because I don't want the poster design to make the viewer think they are too childish. The character is smiling to give off the friendly feeling to the viewer.

The things he says in the speech bubble is meant to motivate the reader,make them feel empowered and feel good about themselves like when he's asking "are you a winner?" and replies with "ofcourse you are", he'scalling the child a winner which motivates them to enter the competition and makes them think that they have a chance to win.

I tried to use as much colours as I could for the poster without being too much so the poster doesn't look dull.

The paper size for this poster is A4 because it's big enough to fit all of the information and at the same time, big enough for the text to be seen easily so the children can read it.

I started off with the 'win a prize' part because the main point behind this poster is that there's something that can be won, I made the text big because of that reason so it attracts the viewer's eye immediately and it's something that will interest the reader. The type of the text is called Blockhead, it looks like it has been drawn on which goes with the idea of the viewer having to draw for themselves as well.
The second type used in this poster is called Futura Book, I chose this because it's playful, not serious, easy to read because it's light and I can fit a lot in a short space without seeming big and busy.

Going back to the character, I added a speech bubble and made it look like the character is talking directly to the reader which makes it feel personal.

I added some sort of step by step guide of what to do which can be done in 3 simple steps like draw, colour and send. It's just some extra information that could help the child reading it understand what to do. I tried to make the competition look as simple as possible because I felt like if the competition was complicated or very time consuming, the child would be put off and lose interest very quickly, by displaying that it can be done in three simple steps with simple being the key word, it would encourage the child to enter the competition because it looks easy to do.
I combined imagery with text to display the step by step guide because I felt like a child would understand the imagery more than if it was just text and it's easy to understand which is a bonus.

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