Saturday 15 October 2016

Research - Autopoiesis

Autopoiesis was one of the keys words given to me in this project so I decided to research it further because it's the one that really interests me because it's about self identity and how we created an identity using technology.

Below is a video where Paul Pangaro talks about cybernetics but also explains what autopoiesis is. This was helpful to me because it gave me a clear idea of what it is.

02:45 and onwards is the part where he specifically talks about autopoiesis.

Foundational principles of cybernetics from paul pangaro on Vimeo.

He talks about self-making, "I can make myself", he says that in biology, every living aspects of ourselves contributes into making us and all of the processes of what's going on makes who we are an the result of that is we have created an identity of ourselves that other people see. We have that idea we think we are autonomous but we still depend on each other because that's how we learn and we use what we learn to create our autonomous persona, that leads to having to socialize to learn from each other to be our identity. Everything combined equals to our culture, the way we interact and behave and how through language, we can exist in other people's lives.

It can be confusing at times but basically, when we socialize in person or online, we create our own identity each time, this is where technology comes in because most of us socialize online and it's how we learn from others and how it affects us as human beings. How we depend on socializing to learn is the same as how we depend on technology to learn aswell, to create our own identity. We can become one.

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