Tuesday 18 October 2016

My Next Step - Feedback

After I received my feedback from Tracy, I decided to evaluate my idea and think of what I can do next to develop the current idea I have. This is what I have came up with, I came up with various solutions of what I can do next.

When I received my feedback from Tracy, I immediately thought of creating three different narratives of the stories I have came up with but create a past and future one so I would have the same story so how technology has affected us but one would be staged in the past, present and future so it looks at the difference between them, I thought it was a nice idea but it didn't really answer the question, 'what am I trying to do? What is the point in what I'm doing?', it states a message but that's about it, I wanted my idea to be more than just stating a message.

Another solution I came up with was to create a campaign, initially, it was to get more people to become active but I thought it was too open, I had to narrow it down, I then thought of trying to get young viewers more connected with their inner child instead of them being obsessed over technology because they could become the people in the stories I made in the future. I could achieve it by getting them to make more stuff just like when I was little for prizes which would attract the attention of the young viewers, I'm still trying to think of stuff they could do which doesn't involve technology.

I like the idea of creating a campaign to get kids to use less technology because I have researched the effects it has on their social skills and development skills as they grow up and it could make them less social or their attention span could decrease even more.
For this to be successful, I will have to ask myself, Who is my target audience? be more specific with that, What is my aim? How am I going to achieve my aim? Those are questions that are important for me to answer. 

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