Monday 17 October 2016

After Effects Week 1

12/10/2016 - Process and Production - Sara Nesteruk

For the first After Effects session of the year, we looked at how we can combine different coloured backgrounds and create a fading effect so one colour fading into another. We also looked at how we can edit shapes so change the way they look but also how to create different effects with them.

We started off looking at some exampleson Vimeo of the typeof work others have done relating to what we are doing today and kind of use it as an inspiration or even just something cool to watch. A way to tell us the dfferent effects we can create.

30 motion tests in 30 seconds from Steffen K on Vimeo.

Spherikal from Ion on Vimeo.

We started off creating someshapes for our video, I created mine on Illustrator because it was easier for me to manipulate them. I created a decent amount of shapes because I wanted my video to be interesting with lots of things happening instead of having just one shape.

After uploading my shapes on After Effects, first thing was to create a fading background, this was done by creating 2/3 solids of different colours with the one I wanted placed at the bottom of them all.

To create the 'blinding' background, you go to 'effect', 'transition' then 'venetian blinds', from there, I just edited some options to what I wanted it to look so I changed the transition, completion, direction, width, feather and so on. These are some examples of what the effect looks like.

The first effect that we experimented with was the 'wiggle', this makes the shape have a wiggle effect around the outside of the shape. This was done by creating a new composition, creating any shape I wanted (this was just for experimentation, it's not the shape I will use for my final video), I went to 'add'then 'wiggle paths' then 'path 1', from there, I edited the size, detail, wiggles/second etc. I like this effect because I think it would look cool if it had music playing in the background and the shape moving according to the music. 

This is an image of what the effect did to the shape of my shape.

The next experimentation was morphing the shape, so as it plays, the shape would change and form another shape. This was created by creating a new composition and shape, going to 'pen tool', pick a point and edit the shape in any wayand use the key frames to determine it how much you want it to move and for how long.

This was a nice effect because you can turn a shape into another shape but I prefer the other effect, I think it's a cooler effect to play with and to look at.

For every shape in my final video, I used the 'wiggle' effect for the blue thin circle and purple circle except the triangle, which I used the 'zig zag' effect. To make the blue thin circle and purple circle different, I edited it in different ways like different speed, direction etc because I didn't want both of them to move the same way otherwise it would have felt like they were grouped together.

I got rid of the blue box because I used the morph technique for it but when I combined every shape together and played the video, I didn't like how the blue box looked, it felt out of place and it was distracting.

I learned something new in this session which is always good and useful. Below is the final video that I created in the session.

Geometry, form and use of colour. from Daniel Boscarino on Vimeo.

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