Friday 21 October 2016

Design Brief Sketches

After writing out my design brief, I have worked out what I'm going to do. My next step was to sketch out some designs that I could do to display my narrative. My idea was to create something that relates to technology because I feel like that would attract my viewer's attention since they are so used to using technology.

I thought of creating the narratives as a booklet in different shapes like an emoji or a text message. I thought of an emoji because they are popular at the moment, they are used a lot so the viewer would recognize them easily. I thought of a text message to represent me giving them a message like I'm stating a message and I want them to read it.

The other sketch is doing the narrative in a shape of a phone, I think I prefer that idea more than the other two because I'm trying to send a message that the viewers spend too much time on the phone so what better way to display my narrative as a phone, it feels like I'm taking the piss. What I like is that it would fit perfectly in a hand so it would feel natural to them and it would give them a sense of being on the phone without actually being on the phone which I feel like they will be more interested in it.

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