Wednesday 19 October 2016

Cybernetic Self Development: Zine

I chose a narrative which I have developed further. I re-designed it on Illustrator which I will then compare it with the zine and see which style I prefer better for my final design.

This is the first draft of my narrative on Illustrator. I have created this by going over the zine on Illustrator by using the 'pen tool' and filling it in with colours.

I wanted to make it colourful and bold which is why I have used bold colours and used different primary colours together. I made it colourful because strong colours attract the attention of young viewers.

Since the look of the design is playful and loose, I wanted to use a typeface/font to represent that, the problem was I couldn't find any that satisfied me, in the end, I decided to create my own. I basically used the 'brush tool' on Illustrator and wrote the words free hand to give it that loose and 'wacky' look.

I gave it a title, 'interaction', so the viewer knows what it is about. I also included a little saying at the end as a way of me giving the reader a message, I'm trying to state something. I made it rhythm because when something rhythms, it's easier to remember.

My first opinion of it is that the black lines around each object and the writing is too thick and black, makes everything feel heavy so I could decrease the thickness slightly.

The colours of the characters, especially the character with the green top, kind of makes the characters fade into the background which isn't what I want, I want them to stand out so to solve that, I could change the colours of the background, make it lighter and make the characters darker.

This is my second draft of the narrative...

As you can see, I have made the background lighter and changed the colour of the top of the character on the right so he stands out more.

I have decreased the thickness of the lines which I feel has improved the design. I think the words can be seen better because I reduced the thickness of it.

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